Chapter 6

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            The car pulled up to the driveway, and we all got out. Harry carried me inside, while Louis got my wheelchair form the trunk. We opened the door and Niall and Britney were making out on the couch. It was kind of disgusting but I kept my thoughts to myself. Liam shut the door behind him when he came in and they pulled apart. Niall looked at me in Harry’s arms and gave us a death glare.

            “ What happened?” He asked. Harry was about to say something, but I stopped him. “ I just tripped and cut my leg….nothing bad.” I said and all four boys looked at me like I was crazy. “ Why is Harry carrying you?” He asked again. “ I just can’t walk for awhile.” I said and I saw guilt wash over him.

            “ Well, I am going to go to bed! I am tired!” I said looking at the clock and it was only eight. Before Harry carried me up, Britney decided that she was going to leave. “ Bye Britney! Have a nice night!” I said cheerfully and she just scolds at me.

            Harry then carried me up to my room, since we could not get the wheelchair in the elevator. “ Thanks for helping me!” I said right before the doors opened. “ Any time Dino.” He whispered and I smiled because he used my nickname. We walked into my room and he helped me put my pajamas on. I had sweatpants and one of my old t-shirts on and I let my hair down, and it reached my lower back.

            I hoped in my bed and Harry got in too because I will need help getting up in the morning. He wrapped his arms around me and I smiled. Harry was like an older brother that I had never had, always there to help when I fall.

Niall’s POV

            When I saw Harry walk into the house, carrying Sierra, I felt a rush of anger and jealously. But I felt hurt when I saw that she her leg was all wrapped up, and I could tell she was in pain. When she said she tripped, all the other boys looked surprised and I feel like they are hiding something from me.

            Then Harry and Sierra said they were going to go to bed and I felt even more jealous, but I had to keep it in because Brit was right besides me.

            When Brit stood up and said goodbye I kissed her on the forehead and she walked out the door. Britney is sweet and all…it is just, she can be really demanding sometimes. I mean, she didn’t even let me go after Sierra when she ran out of the house crying, even when I begged like a thousand times.

            I breathed in and then got up. I went up to my bedroom and hoped in my bed. I wished I was the one helping Sierra and staying with her to make sure she was okay.

Sierra’s POV

            I opened my eyes and I sat up. Harry was still asleep so I just waited for him to get up so he can carry my down the stairs. I decided to watch some TV while I waited so I turned on some Sponge Bob and sat there enjoying the heavenly cartoon.

            “ Asdsfnjcxvb” Harry mumbled while rolling around the bed. I chuckled and then kept on watching the show. All of a sudden Harry shot up like a ninja and locked his eyes on the TV. “ Hello!” I said in an Australian accent and he shushed me. “ You like Sponge Bob too?” I asked “ SHHHHHH!” was all he replied and I took it as a yes. We both continued watching the cartoon until a smell of food caught my nose. ‘’ BACON!” I screamed and Harry whinced. “ Harry?” I asked in a baby voce. “ Can you take me downstairs?” I put on a puppy face and he sighed and then got out of the bed. “ Fine! Your lucky I love you!” he grunted and I grinned and hopped on his back.

            “ Hurry my trusty steed! The pig is on the pan!” I yelled and he laughed and then sat me down on a chair at the table. Liam then brought me a plate of eggs and bacon. I smiled and then litterly sucked it all up like a vacuum cleaner.       

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