𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘨𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘧𝘢

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fatin and you were together sitting on the sand slightly leaning against each other  just talking about random stuff when she noticed you were getting sleepy

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fatin and you were together sitting on the sand slightly leaning against each other  just talking about random stuff when she noticed you were getting sleepy.

"do you want to lay down somewhere?"

you gave the brunette a teasing smile and she knew you were going to say something flirty to her.

"will you lay down with me and hold me?"

fatin didn't expect that because your comments usually were sexual but she didn't mind, she liked this version of you better.

the girl gave you a small smile and a nod, standing up and holding her hand out for you to take.

you weren't sure if she'd say yes but it pleasantly surprised you that she did and you definitely weren't complaining.

you took her outstretched hand and let her pull you up.

she was going to pull her hand away but you didn't let her, which she found pretty fucking cute but she obviously wouldn't admit that to you.

the girl pulled you to the couch you found when you moved places.

she looked back at you with a small smile.

"top or bottom?"

you kind of choked, not expecting that question at all.


fatin tried to hold in her laughter but was unsuccessful.

"do you want to lay on top or on the bottom?"

you scratched your neck, getting embarrassed.

"top please?"

the brunette thought you were super adorable, all flushed like that.

fatin threw herself on the disgusting sofa and held her arms open, signaling for you to crawl into them.

and obviously you comply, i mean, who wouldn't?

the girl immediately wrapped her arms around you and held you close. you snuggled your face into her neck, placing a small kiss there.

fatin laughs and moves away.

"go to sleep, dumbass"

and so you did, fatin not far behind.

what you guys didn't notice were the girls sneaking up on you, planning to scare you two but stopped when they saw the position you and her were in.

your head was on her chest and she had her arms wrapped around you in a protective grasp.

you both looked really peaceful and the other girls couldn't bring themselves to wake you up, so they left you both alone.

you continued sleeping peacefully for a few more hours till you woke up.

fatin wasn't awake yet so you took advantage of that time to inspect her, from her beautiful dark hair to the cute little freckle on the bride of her nose.

you adored everything about her.

you were broken out of you stare when your heard her voice.

"i can feel you staring at me you know?"

the brunette opened her eyes and smiled at you and you smiled right back.

"i'm sorry, i can't help it, you're just so beautiful"

fatin turned away from your gaze with a playful scoff and a roll of her eyes.

"wow y/n, how original"

"what can i say, that's how i feel"

fatin and you started laughing but stopped once your eyes met.

she noticed your eyes going from hers to her lips, so she decided to make the first move and cupped your cheek in her left hand and started leaning closer, but she stopped right before your lips were about to touch and you could feel her breath on your lips.

she obviously wanted consent, so you gave her a nod.

fatin closed the space between you two and it was everything that you've dreamed of, you've been crushing on the girl since you got to the island and kissing her now feels surreal to you.

the taller girl pulled away after a few seconds and leaned her forehead on yours.

"so i take it we're dating now?"

fatin moves back to look at you and raises an eyebrow.

"i mean, i guess?"

now it was your turn to raise an eyebrow.

"you guess?"

you suddenly heard a groan from behind you. fatin and you turned around to see dot.

"yes you're dating now, now come on and help me build shelter"

a/n: ill start your requests in the next few days!

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