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Kiri decided to get Shoto from the room, as he came towards the table he stared at me then looked away. Mina kicked my leg under the table and cleared her throat in his direction. "Oww- Todoroki!! Hey, I was wondering where you went. Sorry we took so long, we lost track of time. But we're here now I hope I didn't keep you waiting." He took his seat across Bakugou, they stared at each other for a while then he broke it off and started to speak.

"No, it's fine. I actually was the one that told them to wait for you guys." I nodded my head as I grabbed out the boxes of nuggets and fries. While Mina shouted out the burger orders. "*Your choice of burger* and Bakugou's order, I specifically remembered yours because you shouted it at me." He nodded a proceeded to grab his burger, as I opened mine I realized it was the wrong burger. Although Bakugou already bit in to his, I decided to just eat and get over it. Half way through eating his burger, he scrunched up his face and said "This. Is. Not. My. Burger." I barely even touched mine, I just ate a few nuggets and fries. He and Mina looked at me, "I think I have yours." I said. As I pushed it towards him, he pushed it back and said "I already ate half of yours, eat it."

"No I'm full, and when I use my, I lose my appetite." I said as Todoroki looked at me then my food. He looked into my eyes. I looked down as the second brownie hit. Everyone started to leave the kitchen, I guess I was left to clean up the mess. I didn't mind, I had tons of energy from the brownie. As I started to throw away the boxes and little peices of food, Todoroki stayed behind and helped. But when we were done with the table, I walked over to the sink and started to wish some dishes off. He grabbed my food off the table and put it on the counter. Then looked at me and said "Eat. I know your hungry, you don't have to play it off. Please eat, I want you to eat." I sighed and sat on the counter as I picked at my food. He grabbed a fry and held it up the my mouth, "Do I have to feed you? Cause I will." He said while bumping the fry into my lips. I giggled, then I started to eat.

He grabbed some more brownies and sat next to me. As he ate the brownie he said "So why were you and Bakugou gone for so long?" "Oh we just explored his world. When I tell you it was amazing that's just belittling it. I wish I could show you but I don't want to go against Bakugou's wishes." He looked down then he said "I think he has a thing for you. He accused me of liking you then he asked if we were together." My eyes widened as I processed what he said. "And want did you say?" He shrugged then replied "I told him that you wanted nothing to do with me and told him not to come to you asking these questions. I also might have told him to mind his business." I was torn at the fact that he thought I wanted nothing to do with him. I looked into his eyes and said "Shoto, your my dearest friend. Of course I have something to deal with you? If that makes sense. I'm telling you if this happens again come to me. Your the best not only at baking but you keep me fed, even when I don't want to eat." He started to relax and he leaned in. Then Mina walked in, she saw what was happening and she put her hand above her eyebrows. As if to cover her eyes, she walked back out. I brought my knees up to my face as I hid.

Todoroki just started laughing "How embarrassing!??" I said. He nudged my shoulder, I looked up towards him and said "SHE'S NEVER GONNA LET ME LIVE THIS DOWN!?" He kept laughing and said "It's okay you'll live." He then jumped off the counter and held his hand out to me as I jumped off. Then we walked out of the kitchen as I threw my trash away. We walked into the living room and Mina just started to laugh. Everyone looked at her, then she realized everyone's eyes were on her and she suddenly became serious. Denki and Deku were starting to yawn, so I decided that it was best for us to get some sleep and wait for tomorrow to go all out.

I went into my room, but as I was closing the door Mina walked in and said, "Spill!!!" I looked at her and sighed, "Okay so I might have almost kissed Todoroki twice. But I don't want to hurt him and before he tried to kiss me and I sorta of friend zoned him. I don't know how to feel. I like Bakugou but then Todoroki just waltzed in and well he's the nice guy. But Bakugou on the other hand is just ughhhh!!!" I said as she stared at me still processing everything I said.

"WAIT TWICE!!! WHAT?! BAKUGOU?!" She shouted as her eyes widened. Then she shook her head, "Okay, wait, you like Bakugou? But Todoroki put the moves on you twice?" "Yeah and Todoroki said that he thinks Bakugou likes me." I said as I scratched the my head. I fell back dramatically and said, "What should I do?!?" She just shrugged and then she gasped "You should just do free samples. Go out with one of them if you like it and the vibes are good then they're the one, but if somewhere along the way it changes there's always the other one." I thought about what she was saying, I didn't want to lead them on then completely curve them. "You could try Bakugou first. Just get it over with. Take him to his world and just vibe, see how it goes. Or Todoroki, take him to your world. Show him everything."

I told her I'd think about it, and then in the morning I'd tell her who I decided to give a chance first. Then she left my room, and a very high Kirishima walked into my room. "Hii y/n!! Are you mad at me?! I hope not cuz I didn't do anything. You have a nice room, I like your carpet. So fluffy- WAIT!!! DENKI?!" Oh my gosh. Denki came in and said "Yes Kiri?" Then he yawned, looking like he just got woken up. Kiri on the other hand looked like he just went to bed. I groaned, and walked out to the living room, but no one was there. I looked in the first room and Mina was in there, already asleep. Then I looked into the next one and there was Shoto and Bakugou about to go to sleep. I whispered, "Can you guys help me?" They both got up and walked with me to my room. I pointed at my bed where Kiri was cuddling with my teddybear. "Get em out of here." They walked up to him and picked him up, then took him to their room for the night.

As I realized I didn't ask Mina to sleep in my room and I didn't want to disturb her. So one of the boys had to sleep in my room, Midoriya and Denki had the couch. Of course Mina had to sleep by herself, because just imagine waking up next to someone, that you didn't know slept by you. I talked it over with the guys, Kiri was already asleep.

So we decided that Bakugou would sleep in my room but on the floor. My room had carpets, one in particular was very fluffy, so I thought he'd be comfortable. He came in and looked around then he laid down right on the floor. Like not even on a carpet, just on the hard floor, laying straight and staring upwards. I looked at him waiting for him to look towards me, finally he looked towards me. He said "What? Are you just going to watch me sleep?" "No, although the thought of it sounds intriguing. I'm just waiting for you to lay on the carpet or the couch." I said as I gestured to the carpet and the small couch by the wall.

He then got up and sat on the couch, he sighed and said "Your Quirk. How does it work? Does it drain you?" I got comfortable on my bed wrapping myself in a thin blanket. "I wouldn't know how to explain it, and yes it does drain me. The more complicated the world or the longer I've been there, the more energy it takes. I've been trying to push myself to the fullest but I always go to far." He then looked down and said "How'd you get you quirk? When? Did it just happen?" I was surprised by his sudden interest in my quirk. But thinking back at my first time using my quirk was also triggering.

"Well I also don't know. That's why I don't know how it works. I was the first in my family to actually have a quirk. It was long time ago, and I'd rather not dwell in my past." I said being uncomfortable with the whole conversation. He realized that I was uneasy about the conversation and said "I get it. You don't have to explain it. Just tell me when your ready at your own time." Then he smiled and laid down, I laid back thinking about how tomorrow should go. I thought about it for while as I drifted off to sleep, making myself to relax completely.

1666 words
A/N- I'M SO SORRY!! Just wait and bear with me.. I promise there's more chapters coming soon.. some tea.. maybe a relationship.. or a situationship.. just read the next chapter.. anyways love you guys.. thanks for reading.. remember to vote and comment I'll appreciate it very much.. 🥰☺️✨

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