Training and Food

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After I dropped off Katsuki, I drove around for a while then I got bored so I went home. I grabbed my water bottle and put some ice in it, then filled it with water. I walked back to my room, and took off my jacket, then the rest of my uniform. I put on some sweats, and grabbed my water bottle from the kitchen and walked into my training room.

I grabbed my boxing gloves and stood in front of the punching bag. I slowly sauntered around the bag, as I tied up my hair. Then I started to land blows on the bag, not having a single thought in my mind. Except for the pressure points of an actual person, as I started to aim at those pressure points that I've already imagined would be on the bag. I picked up my speed, hitting harder and faster. I stopped my efforts, and cooled down a bit. I took off the heavily padded gloves, and went with something lighter. I wrapped my hand with some tape and some cloth wrap, and I put on the other glove.

With this glove only my knuckles had padded protection, I started to swing at the bag again. I had barely realized how much time I had actually spent doing this when I started to sweated. I walked over to the wall grabbing a towel and wiping my face, then my neck. I took off my loose shirt hoping to cool off for a while.

Then I got in the boxing ring, and imagined I was fighting an actual person. Dodging their blows, and trowing my own. I did this for what felt like 15 minutes, then I went back to the bag. I kept punching it, until my arms got little sore. Then I rested them as I drank some water.

After a while, I stopped my resting, which was about 30 minutes tops. I walked back to the bag, as I put back on my shirt. I was punching the bag, when a memory came to my mind.

"Y/n! Focus! Don't loose sight of them! You're small so they don't think much of you! Y/n! You need to learn how to do this! How to fight back!"

I tried to shake away their voices, their words, and what they said. But to no avail I kept hearing them.

"Y/n, you need to focus. I know it's hard but one day it will all come easier."
"Y/n, do this for us please. I know we can't help always that's why we're teaching you this."
"It's why we're teaching you to be stronger."
"To fight back."
"We need you to fight back."

I punched the bag harder and faster as their voices rung in the back of my mind.

"Y/n, the reason I've been teaching you how to fight is because I'm leaving, I can't stay-"

"Y/n!! You okay there? You kinds were hitting the punching bag like your life depended on it." Kiri said standing by the door. I looked over at him, and I saw him, Bakugou, Deku, Mina, and Todoroki. I sighed, "I'm good. Just got to involved in my training." I walked out of the room feeling my power come back to me. "I'll fresh up real quick. I'll be in the living room in a bit." I quickly changed and sprayed myself with some perfume and fixed my hair back.

I walked out into the living room with my water bottle. "So what do you owe this visit for?" I said as I looked around at everybody faces. Mina spoke up, "Well I thought it would be best if we talked about what happened this morning? And what's been going on with you? Everyone else decided it was a good idea, and since we're all close friends we just care for you and how you've been doing." She said fumbling with her fingers, "Bakugou told us that you didn't sleep last night, and that you haven't been eating much. Todoroki said the same, that you didn't sleep and have been skipping meals. I didn't want to bring it up in front of everyone but you have. He also said that this morning you were extra jumpy, and that's what led to him accidentally burning you and you attacking him."

I sat there shocked, then I tried to speak, "Okay, I didn't sleep but skipping meals-" "Don't try to deny y/n!!!" Bakugou said. "Kachaan is right y/n. You can't deny it, we've all seen it." Deku said trying to defend their argument.

"Shut up nerd!! Of course I'm right!! But since y/n is being an idiot!! When the last time you ate!?" I looked at him and answered confidently, "This morning! Ha!" Then Todoroki shook his head, everyone looking at him, realization struck me. "Y/n you didn't eat this morning. You showered, then the incident happened. Afterwards you said we were going to be late so we left in a hurry, we also didn't have enough time for breakfast. If you said you ate this morning then that means you also didn't eat anything else. You haven't eaten anything today at all." He said giving off a little matter-a-factly tone.

"Okay fine! I skipped a couple of meals. It's not going to make a difference, and its not that big of a deal. You guys are just blowing it out of proportion!!" I said, not seeing why they think it's such a bad thing. "Dude. Not sleeping is one thing but not eating is totally not manly!" Kiri said, giving me a sad look. "Y-Y-Yeah, y/n. Not eating isn't very healthy or 'manly' as Kirishima said." Deku said replicating Kiri's look.

"In fact you should be eating as we speak." Deku said again as he got up. "No Deku. You're not going to make me eat or cook for me." I snapped back at him. "No y/n!! Nerd get in that kitchen!! And make her some food!!" Bakugou shouted at me and Deku. "O-O-Okay Kachaan!" Deku said as he bowed and walked to the kitchen.

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