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Bakugou's POV-
As I was sitting in class, little by little I was growing very impatient. It felt like the time ticked really slow like it was barely even moving. I looked around and noticed Icy-Hot really didn't come today. I wish I had stayed home and waited or just went to the hospital. "Bakugou. Are you paying attention?" Aizawa said to me and the class went quiet. "Yes." I said with my teeth gritted. He went back to teaching the lesson and then started to speak again after a couple of minutes. "Alright so I'll see you all tomorrow, but for now I have somewhere I have to be." Then he walked out the classroom dragging his sleeping bag out of the classroom.

I started to pack up my books and notes, as everyone walked up to each other in the middle of the class. They started talking to each other about going to the hospital and what gifts to bring. I got up to turned in some papers that I needed to have graded. "Bakugou, you bringing anything?" Sero said as he threw something in the trash. "Don't worry about it, loser." I said as I walked out the class. Then I ran into Aizawa and All Might, who were heading back to the class. I walked back home, when I got inside my dad was on the sofa. I quickly tried to get to my room or at least the top floor with out having to talk to my mom, but no such luck. "And where have you been, Katsuki?" "At a friend's house." I shouted before I walked up the stairs. "Well you have to have dinner with us! This isn't just a place where you can come and go as you please!" She shouted back.

I rolled my eyes and threw on some new clothes, and put on my hoodie. I started to walk down the stairs and out the door but I forgot my wallet on the kitchen counter. I turned around and walked into the kitchen to look around at the counters, I didn't see my wallet anywhere. I turned towards my mom, "Oi! You seen my wal-" "Sit down, you brat! You're not getting your wallet until you eat, or at least until you've told us who you've been staying with." She said as she sat down. "First I need proof you actually have my wallet?" I said as I aggressively pulled out my chair. She held up my wallet, and slide it into her back pocket. "So what's his name?" She said as she grabbed her fork and started to pick at the food. "Her." I said as I started to eat. My dad choked on his food when he heard me then he cleared his throat as he drank water. "A girl? Wow." My mom said as she made heavy eye contact with my dad. I nodded as I chewed my food, "When do I get to met her?" My mom said, as she smiled. "You don't, she's busy and she doesn't do family dinners." I shot back at her.

"What kind of- " "Well son, what does she do? I'm pretty sure me and your mother can adjust to that for you." My father said as he cut her off. "I don't know." "Well what's her name?" I rolled my eyes, "Y/n Arai." I said to them before I took a sip of my drink. "Never heard the name, you sure she's from around here?" My dad said as he looked at me. "She changed her last name, now can I go?" I said as I showed my empty plate to my mom. She sighed and threw my wallet on the table. "If we don't meet her by the end of the month, I'm telling that teacher of yours that you're not allowed out of those dorms anymore." She said with her nose held high. I glared at her, "I'll see what I can do." I muttered as I walked out. I opened the car door and pulled out of the garage, driving to the nearest store.


Well that fucking took forever, I walked into the hospital. I waited in line as the people shuffled forward. Then a receptionist waved me over to her, "And what are you here for, sir?" "Hello, I'm visiting a friend. Her name's Y/n Arai, she came in last night." She smiled at me then looked at my balloon. "Well she certainly has a lot of visitors today. You're lucky some of them just checked out." She said as she handed me a visitor's sticker. I stuck it to my hoodie and she told me the room number. As I was walking, I heard someone call my name. I turned and saw some of my classmates in the room.

Then there was a guy I didn't even know sitting right next to her. Who the fuck is this dude? I talked to her for a minute, and told her if she didn't want the balloon she didn't have to take it, but in my own wording. The dude had something to say about personality. I spoke out on it, but deeply I knew Y/n would have nothing to do with this guy. I told her she needed to get home, then Takeda said that she'd only be there until they finished the other tests. She was so happy, but so was I, her house definitely isn't the same without her. Then he said that she could only go back unless it was with them to ensure that she get enough rest. Before I could speak up she shouted at him, but he was unphased.

He started to talk about her past and then he told us that they've known each other a long time. I looked at her face and I could tell she was losing control. I reached for her hand and gripped it. She looked me knowing that she couldn't lash out, especially with all of us in the room. "I left because it was what was best for me. You being hurt was a small price to pay for something better for me and my future. I couldn't be held back anymore, or to be suppressed." She said as she looked into Takeda's eyes. "Oh yeah? You know what happened after you left? My dad died." He said as he looked down. "He crashed on the way to come and visit you." He shouted at her. A lady stood at the door and looked around at everyone. "Ace?" She said to him in the softest voice. He stormed out of the room and the lady whispered an apology to Y/n. Then she followed him out, "Fuck." Y/n whispered.

"What was he saying?" I questioned her, she looked up to me with glossy eyes. "Well what better day to tell you guys than now. I had a place to go when my quirk wiped me out, like it did yesterday. He was there one day, saw what it did to me. He walked me to his house, snuck me in and took care of me. We did this for a while. I didn't disagree, because I was my only shot at a home. You know what they say about people who have traumatic experiences, and had abusive homes and parents? That they run to the first person or thing that shows them compassion and love? Because they never experienced it and only want more? No matter what type of love it is?" I said looking down. "That was it, they showed me what it was like to be in a real family, and I trusted them. One day they purposed to adopt me. I decided to go through with it then I snapped and left. After awhile my quirk shorted out and he knew where to find me, we repeated this process every time. Never missing a beat, then once I finished school I went to him said my praises and I left." She said as she looked down. "His dad was the best person, always making sure I had everything I needed. He got me my ticket to UA, if he didn't I don't know where I'd be." She said as she stared at the covers. "Well I don't know what to tell you, Y/n." Deku said. "Tch, I don't think any of us do." I muttered.

1412 words-

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