🎄30. I Like You🎄

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Donghyuck was done shopping for presents and returned home to drop all the bags there, when he got a call from Chenle:

- Fullsun hyung, I'm having a New Year party tonight at 8, I wanted to invite you.

- To a five year old's party? Who else is gonna be there?

- Well, Mark.

- You expected me to say "yes" after knowing that Mark's gonna be there?

- Actually, yes, I did. Everyone's coming. Nana hyung, Jeno hyung, Renjun with Yangyang and Xiaojun and Hendery. Jisungie will be there, too. Also I invited Sungchan cause he's my only classmate I like and Shotaro hyung, because he's cute.

- Okay, I'll be there. What should I bring? Drinks or something?

- Me, Jisung and Sungchan can't drink yet but if the others would want to get waisted, I guess you can bring something.

- We won't get waisted.

- Sure.

- Okay, bye Chenle, see you at 8.


A lot of things had lost their meaning for Donghyuck after Mark left to Canada. Christmas and New Year celebration was one of them. Donghyuck hated himself for letting his holiday spirit depend on someone else but he couldn't help it.

Usually he would greet the new year with his parents and the next day he was already hanging out with Mark for the rest of the winter holidays. After Mark left his parents weren't home that often and Mark wasn't there. Good thing he had his other friends to have fun with but it still wasn't the same.

Now that Mark was back, Donghyuck thought that he would have as much fun as he had before. If he succeeds, he might even steal a kiss from the older when the clock strikes twelve, who knows.

The last thought made him excited so he quickly exited the house and ran to the liquor store to buy a bottle of champagne. He also bought small presents for Shotaro and Sungchan and looked at his watch.

"If I arrive half an hour early, I don't think Chenle would be very mad at me."

He got on the bus heading to Chenle's house. It wasn't the one next to Jisung's. This one belonged to Chenle's grandparents and Chenle was allowed to have his friends over on holidays. The house was huge and was perfect for parties.

Donghyuck got off the bus and walked a few meters arriving at the gates of Chenle's house. He pressed the white button on the gates and waited for the boy to open it.

The gate opened and Donghyuck entered the large garden now covered in snow. He walked to the entrance of the house and rang the bell. The door was opened by three cute boys.

- I told you Haechan will be the next one to come,- Jisung told Chenle.

The only ones who arrived early were Shotaro, Jisung and now Donghyuck. Luckily the other boys were soon there and the cozy party started.

At first it was a little awkward but with each sip of Chenle's apple juice the boys were getting more comfortable. After everyone ate almost everything on the table, Donghyuck, who decided to host the party so that the atmosphere is cheerful (and let's agree that Haechan is an amazing MC) suggested to play a game.

- Not a video game. Something dramatic and scandalous please.

- I agree with Dejun. Let's play something like never have I ever,- Yangyang offered.

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