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This chapter is a little darker than the others, read at your own will


My dream was littered with a bloody instances, I saw the battle I had been anticipating. The gruesome events of creeper explosions demolishing or wood-be town once more. Skeletons taking pot shots on the players I've come to know, as zombies ripped the dead limb-from-limb. The horror I had to watch as I was tied by this mysterious figure, his hair glistened like snow and his eyes where split blue and red.

"You could have saved them" he muttered, repeating it over and over again, until it was seared into my skull.

I woke up in a cold sweat, clutching my sword close to my chest. My room had been disturbed, my chest had been rasacked and scattered across the floor. I stood on the cobblestone floor and replaced the items into their spots. I swung the thick iron door open and walked into the long corridor. I noticed the usual clamor was no longer there, this sent a chill crawling down my spine. Something wasn't right.

I continued down the long corridor, my footsteps shattering the utter silence. I grew ever so nervous, as I peered around the corner, the throne room was empty, my head began to pound, I cupped my head in my hands as I rubbed my eyes. I lifted up and looked around, everything was different. The cobblestone walls were lined in blood, creeper carcasses and skeletal remains were scattered across the floor. Simnar was layed out on the throne, dead. My head pounded, and it felt like 2 people were waging a war inside my head. Then, in a blink of an eye, everything flashed back.

"It's not real," I said. "It's not real," I repeated the phrase as I rubbed my head, stepping backwards.

I walked cautiously across the threshold of the castle, hearing nothing but my footsteps. Suddenly, my mind went blank and I nearly collapsed, my eyesight going kaput for a moment. When I could see again, what greeted me was not a pleasant sight: the streets of the city were splattered in the blood of my friends, with their bodies strewn about like trash. I saw Thomas, backed into a corner surrounded by creepers, him still fighting. His face was blooded up and it looked as if chunks of zombie flesh were stuck in his blond hair, and he didn't have his bandana. His eyes were no longer that glowing shade of emerald. I cringed as I heard the explosion, my gut warning me before my ears. I looked back at the horror, and he was still alive, his legs were blown off and his chest was torn open, but he was still holding on.

"Help me Onyx," he muttered, holding in his insides, "Help me..."

I fell down onto the steps, sobbing at the sight of the horror.

"No more, no more... NO MORE, NO MORE, NO MORE!" I slammed my fist on the cobblestone steps as I fell over. I felt for the device, but it was gone, taken with my things.

I felt a caring hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw it was night time, the moon was strung high above but it was a bloody red. The man's hand was a dark brown, his pants were a light purple and he wore a tattered green shirt. His silver sword had a crimson hue, he held my sword, but how-

"Why won't you help your friend?" he said. I teared up as I gazed up at him.

"Where is your god now?" He said, his eyes glowing with the intensity of a thousand suns.

Everything caved in on me, the sound of mangled, gut wrenching screams, paired with the soft "Help me, Onyx...," being repeated for seemingly all of eternity.... This pushed me over the edge.

I stood valiantly in the midst of Herobrine, waiting for him to end me.

"Well...," I looked at him, recieving a blank stare.

"DO IT!" I shouted, accepting my fate. There was no sense in running, it would only feed the psycho's sadistic sense of humor.

"So it shall be...," boomed a voice that sent shivers down my spine. The mouth didn't open, it seemed sealed.

He held the sword to my stomach then thrusted it in, with blood, my blood, pouring out like a broken dam. Maybe this menagerie would end here, I wondered as I felt death take me in graciously in it's arms. It almost felt as if I was floating on a cloud... The night soon disappeared and it was day again, and the screams, the blood, the horror, it was all gone. But with it came a silence, a terrible, terrible silence...

----- (POV CHANGE/Thomas)

I woke up in a cold sweat, at the foot of the village.

I got up, noticing my knife had blood on it. Fresh blood. I put a sample in my Pip Boy to analyze it, but, knowing my luck, the damn thing was broken. Cursing, I went into the village, hoping to find something, or someone.

A ghastly sight greeted me. Bodies, parts, blood... The smell was nauseating.

I checked some of the bodies for a pulse, and found none. I recognized some, like the two new recruits, Zane, Xaria. All dead.

However, what welled up in my chest was not dread. It was suspicion. Things looked wrong; the bodies looked too pale, the blood puddles a little too big, their wounds unrealistically small for such a messy death, wounds in places that wouldn't cause death.

Is this a dream? I asked myself. However, I already knew the answer.

I walked up the hill, wondering what this was all about. In most dreams, you weren't self aware. I didn't feel my normal level of alertness in a regular dream, or even nightmare. This was about something...

I walked into the castle, the bodies becoming more common. People I know.

Amata, Butch, Lyons, ...

"Dad...," I whispered when I got to his corpse. He looked significantly more mangled than the rest of them, as if something wanted to send a message to me.

I heard a voice in my head then. Saying how I should have saved him. How I should have not let him die.

You failed him, it said. He wants you to know how much he hates you for it.

I went on, ignoring the voice as it got louder, louder...

Louder, louder it got. Louder, until I could hear naught but the voice, blazing in my ear, calling me a coward.

I found myself with a gun to my temple. My gun, just waiting for my finger to pull the trigger. It almost did. After a minute of struggling, I pulled the gun away and dismantled it, then pulling out my knife and advancing forward again.

I saw Onyx, on his knees facing me, with Herobrine standing in front of me, back turned. Seeing that he didn't see me, it took less than a nanosecond for my mind to exploit my advantage.

I went for the back of the skull, driving up into it, an instant kill, as I had learned through practice and necessity. However, as soon as the blade touched the fiend's head...

Thomas awoke, and found himself on the floor next to his bed. He looked at his Pip Boy. 3 in the morning.

Wow... He had just fended off Herobrine from taking over his mind.

"The nerve of some people..."

The Wanderer suddenly rushed out of his room and into the main room, the feeling of dread increasing every step. He wasn't in a dream anymore, was he?

He entered the room, and was greeted with the very real sight of Onyx lying on the floor, a dark sword plunged into his chest, him murmuring, "No more..."

"Oh, fuck," Thomas said as he stepped closer to his friend. He rummaged through his bag, producing a few syringes, some gauze, and a Bible.

13 minutes ago

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