I may not be alive by the time you are told this .

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I had never taken enough time to appreciate camp until now . The tents were all perfectly standing and spotless , there was a path leading into the woods so the hunters could get to the archery range and all the girls had just come back from a hunt so they all sat round the campfire organizing what they'd manage to kill . 

When Phoebe saw the girls she immediately ran towards them , It was easy to see they were family after all they had probably lived together for hundreds of years .Then the thunder boomed .

"I have to go for a council meeting , get Anna settled ,"And then Artemis left .

"Well this is kind of awkward ," What? I was just stating the truth, I mean why did Artemis trust me. 

"Where did she go?" Anna came out from hiding behind me.

"We have a lot to explain," Thalia replied. She looked at me and then walked with Clove over to the girls . 

But not before turning back. "Come on kelp head, I promise they won't kill you ."

That wasn't very convincing but I went anyway.

"Hi," I waved, they glared. I'm not surprised.

"Sit down Percy." Thalia started explaining the gods and the hunt. 

"If the hunt is girls only then why is Percy here?" Anna asked.

"He's an exception." Thalia replied

I decided it was time for me to explain, "Artemis has only agreed for me to be here temporarily."

One of the hunters eyes widened before she turned to Pheobe, "Gods is he the-" Pheobes hand clamped over her mouth and she shook her head. I sent them a confused look before being pulled into a conversation with Thalia and Anna.

"If Percy made the gods promise then why haven't I been claimed yet?"

"You're not old enough yet."

"Your godly parent might not be an Olympian either." I said

"Oh Percy, I have something for you." Anna handed me a flower crown.

Thalia gasped, "I got it! Your mother is Antheia, one of the charities!"

"The charities have kids?" Someone said

"Apparently so," I pointed to the glowing flower wreath above her head and small daisies bloomed at our feet.


Hi ,

I'm listening to The Odyssey on audiobook , I'm probably not going to finish it but I might as well make an effort .219 (Interchangeable due to the edit, sorry) words , sorry it's short. 

Thanks for reading and happy new year , 

                                                          Leglessdude  (Louloudiwrites)


Percy Jackson , hunter of Artemis .Where stories live. Discover now