The shouting Olympics

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*Artemis' POV*

I slumped on my chair, still glaring at my father.

"You were hiding him!"

"You know he's my best friend!"

"You were told to stay away!"

"I don't care!"

"It's treason!"

"Go on then, shoot me!" When I said this Zeus stood up raising his bolt, I drew my bow. Apollo started to protest. Aunt Hestia stood and Ares leaned forward in anticipation.


*Time skip back sponsored by the catapult thing that killed Octavian (hopefully)*

Percy's POV

"ARTEMIS!" Zeus bellowed and they left.

"Percy!" someone shouted. "Artemis!"

"Thalia!" Said person came running towards me.

"Where is Lady Artemis?"

"Zeus took her somewhere!" I paused a realization hitting me "This is all my fault, I knew I shouldn't have joined the hunt!"

"Ok. Percy this is not your fault, You're gonna come with us and we're going to get Artemis," This is probably the reason Thalia's lieutenant.

We ran back to the Artemis cabin where the girls were all sitting around a card game, the older ones paired with the youngest to teach them how to play.

"Everyone up!" Thalia shouted. "Artemis is in trouble with the council, bring your bows and Percy will flash us to Olympus!" Everyone vanished in a white light and we appeared outside of the throne room .


*Artemis' POV*

Zeus scowled as Percy ran into the room.

"So. The outcast returns..."

"Do you have a problem with that?" The hunters filed in behind him.

Zeus growled raising his bolt, this time it was pointed at Percy.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Thalia stepped forward.

"And why not?" This time it was Athena.

"You need him if you want to remain on your throne." Thalia said bluntly.

"New prophecy."



262 words .

Thanks for all the views , I've finally worked out the ending to this story . Hope you enjoy ,

Louloudiwrites    26/02/2021

Percy Jackson , hunter of Artemis .Where stories live. Discover now