Chapter 1: Jazzy And Me

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(There is no real reason for the picture but just enjoy it okay, just enjoy)

I giggled as Jasper tucked another flower behind my ear and into the headband.

"Jazzy," I giggled. He kissed my neck just above my shoulder and I laughed. He kissed his way up to my jaw then over to my cheek. I giggled and turned to face him. He kissed me then I whipped ny hair and it hit his face and turned back to my book. "Jasper, reading," I moaned.

"But Bird," Jasper moaned.

"Ah," I shushed him, "Book."

"Real life," Jasper moaned into my hair.

"No, I'm logged into the OASIS right now," I replied.

"Then log out," he whispered in my ear.

"Busy," was all I said in reply. He laughed and added a pink flower into the headband.

"Come on Birdy," Jasper moaned. Now he was at ny other ear. I shook my head and my hair flew up all into his face. He appeared in front of me and started reading my book.

"If you dare steal this I will never talk to you ever again," I grumbled. He frown and layed in front of me on his stomach.

"Well there's the reason I can't get you to put it up," Jasper rolled his eyes. "Your right before the final battle between IOI and the gunters," Jasper smiled. I looked up at him and he met my eyes then popped to his feet with his hands raised.

"No spoilers," Jasper said. I giggled and he sat down next to me. "Why did I even give you those contacts they make your glares really fucking creepy," Jasper laughed.

"I love them, I don't like the color of course but they are practically a part of me now. And whenever we are not near civilization I will wear them," I replied. He laughed and traced ny jawline with a gentle thumb. I slapped his hand away angrily.

"I know I know," Jasper moaned. He kissed his way to my collar bone and I felt him kiss his way up the side of my neck. I would have glared at him or stopped him. But Jasper was right the next part was really exciting. He placed another flower in and I groaned.

"If I asked you to marry me, what would you say?" Jasper asked.

"Probably yes," I muttered.

"What if I asked you right here right now," Jasper asked.

"No," I said. He looked confused.

"But you just said?" He puzzled.

"No, because I am not old enough, yes because I love you like crazy and it would be amazing to be yours. And if this is your way of 'hypothetically' proposing. No," I said sternly. Jasper laughed and kissed my neck.

"If I come back with a hickey you know my dad will murder you," I snickered.

"He can try," Jasper breathed. I giggled and contected our lips. He smiled a bit in the kiss then I once again whipped him as I turned back to my book.

"Now where was I," I giggled. Jasper let out a frustrated moan. I giggled and kissed him. He pushed the book away and then I was on my back.

"Jasper, time," I tapped my watch inbetween us. He moaned and popped onto his feet. I grabbed his hand and popped up to. I grabbed my book which he had somehow bookmarked and slid in the two seconds it took to lay me down. I've learned not to question him. He's a vampire. He picked me up bridal style then suddenly we were at his house.

"Jasper, MY house," I moaned. He laughed and walked in with me and plopped me down in front of a waiting Alice. She giggled and I looked at Jasper with a betrayed and terrified expression. Alice handed Jasper some money and he kissed ny cheek then disappeared.

"Why have I been taken prisoner in this wonderful place," I moaned. Alice and Rosalie giggled.

"Happy early birthday, We wanted to give you a couple things to wear at your party," Alice smiled. They each handed me a box. I opened Rosalies first. It was a heart shaped locket and inside was a picture Esme took of the three of us in our prom dresses goofing around. I was dancing with Rose while Alice slid down the railing to the stairs behind us. I giggled and Rose put it on for me. I grabbed Alice's box next and waited for it to explode in a bunch of glitter or butterflies. Edward snorted at my thought process and I smiled at him. I opened the box and no explosion happened. Once again Edward giggled. It was a charm bracelet. I squealed. The charms were as follows; A little red Jasper heart, a little A and B intertwined, a bird with a rose in its mouth, a baseball charm, and a little circle with a picture glooed on. I flipped over the charm to see the picture and I laughed loudly. It was a picture of me flying between Jasper and Emmett. Well I know who thats from. Then Carlisle abd Esne came out with little charms. Esme got me little ballet slippers and Carlisle had a tiney piece of sea glass. I raised ny eyeborws but didn't question it. I just snapped the charms on. Then Jasper came back an instant later to me hugging a thank yous to everybody. He smiled and then gave me a box. I opened it. It was a little ring with a little sapphire heart on it. I raised my eyebrows at him then looked at it.

"It's a birthday ring, since you don't want to be proposed to yet," Jasper smiled. I blushed and gave him a big hug and he slid the ring on.

"Thank you Jazzy," I whispered in his ear. He smiled and kissed my cheek and I turned to everybody.

"Thank you all so much!" I exclaimed. Alice giggled then gave me a big house. God why was this little vampire me.

"Because, well because your a psychopath Bird," Edward laughed. I giggled and ruffled his hair. Jasper looked confused but probabky decided just not to ask.

"Well I have to get her home before her dad kills me, or tries to," Jaspwr smirked. He picked me up and I waved before we disappeared abd were at my house. Jasper dropped me at the door then rang the doorbell. Charlie opened it and awkwardly hugged Jasper and invited him in. I snorted and plopped down on the couch. Jasper looked to be debating whether to sit next to me when Charlie took the single chair and made the decision for him. Jasper sat next to me and we were not touchy feely at all. We just held hands between us. Charlie made it look like we had passed some test and smiled hugely.

"So Jasper, how's the family," Charlie asked.

"Well si- Charlie," he corrected himself. "It's great, Alice did recently get a cold but that's really the only interesting thing over there," Jasper smiled awkwardly.

"Oh no, is she still sick," Charlie asked.

"She's a lot better now thank you," Jasper smiled. Charlie let out a relieved sigh. Boy did Alice have him wrapped around her little finger. Bella strode in and groaned when she saw Jasper. He looked amused.

"How come he's here," Bella moaned.

"Bella, be nice, Jasper just came in to talk for a few minutes before he returned to his home," Charlie scolded. I took great pride in knowing that he didn't scoff at Jasper's name like he did Edward's.

"Well sir, I best be going, to check on Alice, you know, just trying to be a good brother," Jasper said. Bella raised her eyebrows with an amused expression.

"Alice has a cold," I explained. She nodded and straightened her face out to pretend to be worried. Jasper stood up and grabbed his jacket from the coat rack.

"Be careful out there Jasper, the roads are slippery," Charlie yelled.

"Yes sir!" Jasper yelled back. He disappeared and I laughed and layed on the couch.

"Why do you like him so much more than Edward," Bella moaned.

"Maybe because he didn't cause Bird to run all the way to Phoenix then almost die falling down stairs," Charlie said.

"And he's a respectable young man," I said. Charlie smiled and nodded. Bella and I then made supper, ate and went up to bed. I layed there looking up at my ceiling and waiting. Sure enough within a few minutes Jasper was next to me and I buried my face in his chest and he sent waves of tired to me. I accepted them and closed my eyes. Jasper kissed the edge of my Jaw near my ear and I was drifting into a dream.

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