Chapter 9: Locked Away

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For all of December I was locked away. They didn't know if I could control my power. So they kept me at the house, I only got to go out to hunt. Bella never talked to me. I think she is still mad at me for the whole Vampire thing. I wondered what would happen to a human if I touched them with my power. Carlisle got me gloves and I felt like elsa, not able to use my bare hands for anything. Then again ever since I sort of made a tree grow through my window it seemed necessary. I did however create my own little oasis in the woods. It felt good to just sit somewhere all my own that no one else, exept Jasper, knew about. I came close to hurting someone on a hunt one day but I used all the restraint I had in me to allow Jasper to drag me far far away. That was this month. I called Charlie and he told me Bella locked herself in her room all day looking out the window, waiting for me and the Cullens return. It seemed pretty sad. But at least she wasn't being rapunzeled.

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