"Your such a loser you know?" His breath STANK, and he was leaning right up close to me. I was about to gag but before that he pushed me to the ground. My palms stung from where the gravel had cut into them, "Your pathetic! No wonder your mum doesn't like you!" I scowled at him as he and his friends laugh. My mum didn't hat me for that.
"No" I say to them.
"No?" He turned his head dramatically at me, crouching down, resting his arms on his thighs.
"My mum doesn't hate me because I'm weak" I brush my hand on my jeans to get the gravel of then flip him off.
"oH iM sOrRy, what does she hAtE you for then?" He said with a smirk on his face as his friends laughed at him being sarcastic.
"She hates me because... I'm gay" I mumble the last to words
"I'm gay
"Sorry can't HEAR you"
"oh so your a f—king lesbian?" He laughs at me then stands up from his crouch, "pathetic."
"Shut up jerk" I say under my breath, I braced myself for a kick or some retort but it never came. When I looked up at them they were all starring behind me, so I also did. There she was, the manager of our job. Everyone thought she was hot, and damn it was true, she was taller than me, had brown hair with highlights and her eyes just always sparkled. I smirked, at how lucky I had gotten. I looked back around and saw them start running away.
"Omg are you ok?!" She yelled and I heard her run towards me, "i came because you hadn't come back from your break, then I heard yelling and I'm so glad I did come" she reached into her apron pocket and produced a wipe, she lifted one of my palms and started cleaning it.
"Here, I'll bring you back to my place"
Hey guys! Sorry this was short, I haven't published anything and awhile so I quickly wrote this. So sorry if it seems rushed because it kinda is 😅
Also if you are being bullied or abused or just feeling down my dms are always open!
I luv you all <3
happy new year :)