First day in Kyrat [Part one)

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The night passed by like a blur as the sun shines in my face almost blinding as I open my eyes. I sit up and stretch I close my eyes again as I hear a satisfying crack. Pra walks in my room with a tray of breakfast food, Golden pancakes, scrambled eggs and sauges. "Good morning sweetie, I made you some food. If you need me I will be downstairs" she smiles motherly and walks out the room. I smile and I eat my food "I wish my mother would do this for me, breakfast in bed" I chuckle. I finish my food and I set it on the other side of the bed I stand up and I head to the dresser to see that there are clothes already picked out. I pick out a pair of tan short shorts, a crème blouse and a pair of tan convers and I go to the bathroom.After I take my shower, get dressed and do my make-up and hair I grab a messager back that has my camera, a note pad, a couple of pens and my phone I grab my hat and I walk out my room and downstairs. "Pra,I'll be back at 11:00 at night so will you set up dinner?" I ask. "Sure Alin! Be safe!" Pra says. I nod and walk outside. I take a deep breath and take in the scent of the fresh air. "From what I read there should be a guy somewhere around who can drive me around" I look around to see a bike but nothing else. "I guess I can pedal myself around" I go to the bike and climb on it but as soon as I did that I hear a snap of a twig around me and I quickly look around but I shrug it off and I pedal my self on the dirt road. I make it to a small village and look around. I climb off my broke and lean it on a side of a building. I walk through town and look around at some of the shops, houses and little huts. I take out my phone And put it on the camera "Day one in Kyrat and it is nice, I found a small little village with shops. I might go shopping because when I first came here I was handed 120,000 kyrati dollars..I forgot what they were called but anyways I can't talk much so I guess I will update this when I get back to my home. Alin Harkness signing out" I turn my recording off and put my phone in my bag.

-_-_-_-_-_-{One hour later}-_-_-_-_-

I smile as I walk out the clothing shop with bags on my arms "Just brought 20,000 dollars worth of clothes and stuff" I go to my bike and put my bags in the little cart on the bike and I climb on the bike pedaling off to my house. Once I get back I get feel that something seems off. I see a grey jeep with some yellow markings parked at the side of my house. I slowly walk to the door and crack it open enough to peek in. I stare in shock as I see that Pra is sitting on her knees on the ground held at gun point  by a guy wearing a yellow vendetta tied around his head. He wears a denim jacket and a pale yellow shirt under the jacket, he has on black cargo pants. "Come on! We don't have all day James!" He shout and Pra whimpers "Please! Just get out of here-" "Shut up! We are here for Alin! And you are going to tell us where she is before you end up like the Royal Army, dead!" He pushes the gun more to the back of her head. "I didn't find her but I found her bookbag which had some useful files" The other Golden Path member comes downs stairs holding up my bag. "Good, now let's go before she gets back". My eyes widen and I run to a tree and hide behind it. The two walks out the house and gets in there jeep and takes off. I quickly run into the house and hug Pra "Pra! I'm sorry I couldn't come back sooner! I saw everything that happened" pra hugs me back "No I should be the one who is sorry, I let them take your stuff" Pra looks at me in the eyes. "I'll get that back, for now keep the doors locked and the windows covered. I might not come back here for a couple days and I want you to be safe" I stand up and she nods. I walk outside and I get on my bike.

Hey guys! Little note here is that I won't be able to put out more on the week days but I'll be able to post on the weekends!, cya!

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