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third person.

thea was the first to walk into the hospital room, followed by the rest of corbyn's family, carla, dave, and bentley.

"i've got your food." thea said setting it down on the tray next to the bed.

"thank you. corbyn grab my wallet to give her some money for it."

thea shook her head no "no no i'm not taking it. i just baby snuggles in return."

"do either of you two want to hold her first?" presley asked her mom and corbyn's mom.

"saskia you can hold her first. i'll hold her after." carla told her.

saskia walked over and picked up haley from presley's arms. "aw you are so precious baby girl."

corbyn and presley both sat up on the bed and ate their chick-fli-a. "thank you thea." corbyn said before he noticed bentley was hiding behind dave's leg in the corner. "bentley come here little dude." presley looked over seeing him slowly walk towards corbyn.

"come sit with us." he walked over to the bed and corbyn lifted him up and he sat between corbyn and presley. "do you want to old haley?"


"okay after my mom is done holding her and your mom you can hold her after." haley was soon in carla's arms.

eventually she made her way around everyone and thea was the last to hold the baby girl. "hey i think we are going to head out and get dinner and then go back to home, do you guys need anything before we leave?" saskia asked the two who were still sat side by side in the bed.

"uh no i think we are good. thanks though."

"okay you are getting discharged tomorrow right?" the two shook their heads to her. "okay let me know what time and i'll come over for a little."

"we will. bye. see you all tomorrow." corbyn told his mom and siblings. they said goodbye to haley and they left. soon behind them presley's family left leaving thea still holding haley.

"you should see if the boys just want to be at our house when we get home tomorrow or after we get home." presley suggested. corbyn pulled out his phone and texted them the new plan.

they spent the next two hours talking with thea before she left the three alone again. corbyn was changing haley's diaper when a nurse came in. "perfect i was just coming in to check on her."

"i see her eyes are open. thats good. maybe lets try feeding her and then we'll feed her one more time before bed."

"there a fresh diaper." corbyn said in a baby voice and picking her up off the changing table. "wanna go to mama?" her eyes shot open as he said that.

"oh you most definitely do." placing haley on presley's chest to eat.

as she finished eating her eyes were closed and asleep. "she definitely got lots."

the nurse finished up everything before leave them alone again. Haley was resting on her chest. "i'm going to fall asleep with her."

"that's fine bubs get all the sleep you need." corbyn held her free hand rubbing circles with his thumb as presley fell asleep.

corbyn scrolled through his phone texting his other family members about it and send them a picture of Haley.

Haley woke up crying after sleeping for half an hour. "hey shhh. its okay. daddy's got you." he said as he lifted her off presley so it wouldn't wake her. "you're okay." he started singing softly to her as she slowly stopped crying.

"she already loves you." presley said smiling to him.

"i think she might be a little hungry." presley nodded holding her arms out to grab her and feed her.

as she finished feeding, Haley went right back to sleep after eating. a nurse came in to lay her down in her bed for the night so presley and corbyn could sleep a little throughout the night.

the next mornjng was the same as the night before but Harley was more awake and alert to the things happening around her.

"okay just sign these papers and you are able to leave." the nurse handed presley a clipboard to sign and then corbyn signed after. "you're free to go."

corbyn grabbed the carseat setting it on the bed as presley put her shoes on. "are you ready to go home." Haley smiled slightly at corbyn talking in a baby voice as he put her in the carseat and buckled her up. "are you ready?" presley nodded to him as she grabbed the suitcases.

"lets go home bubs."

author's note

JDJBDJDJ this lowkey sucked

butt ITS DONE😭😭

idk when the sequel will be out but i'll post it
on here

charcter q&a next so don't let it flop

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