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"I'll just uh-take my clothes and be out of your way." I gathered my things and began to head out of the clouded room.

"It's ok, take your time I'm going to find Ashton anyway." She smiled before heading out, but not before turning back towards me.

"You wouldn't want to hang out later would you?" She questioned and knowing full well that I had nothing to do today, I happily confirmed that I would love to do so.

The song can be played whenever you wish...But, as per usual, I have said when it can be played :)


A black and white bandana currently lay upon my eyes, preventing me from 'spoiling the surprise' that Maisy was taking me towards. However, the word surprise didn't connote to the same excitement that it once did.

"Where on earth are you taking me Maisy?" The arm that wasn't being dragged by her, outstretched furiously in an attempt to guide myself whilst blindfolded.

"Not long now..." She pulled me a couple of steps.

"Nearly there..." And a couple more steps.

"Ok, we're here!" She said after we came to a sudden halt, sounding like a giddy child on christmas.

I lifted the material from my eyes and after squinting from the scorching sun, I gasped at the large picnic basket that was laid out on a little blanket.

I lifted the material from my eyes and after squinting from the scorching sun, I gasped at the large picnic basket that was laid out on a little blanket

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"Maisy this is amazing!!" I ran over to her and threw my arms around her tall frame.

After pulling back from the hug, I took in her model-like features and her noticeably rosy cheeks.

To be fair it is awfully hot out here, thank god Maisy gave me some black shorts to wear instead of those fluffy joggers! I thought.

We both took a seat on the blanket and didn't waste a second before diving into the incredible platter of various fruit and drinks.

I popped a grape into my mouth and turned to Maisy.

"Soooooo, how long have you and Ashton been a thing?" I asked as I began to play with the frame of my sunglasses.

As I asked the question, she removed the beer bottle from her lips and began to cough on the liquid in her mouth.

After her fairly large coughing fit, she started to laugh to herself.

"I feel like I'm missing something." I nervously laughed along with her.

"You're kidding right?" She said with so much disbelief.

"No like I seriously thou-"

"Oh. Uh- no we are and never been a thing." she said and lowered herself onto her back, receiving a wolf whistle from a large group of boys further down the beach.

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