Trip To Australia

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After Hermione and Ron dropped Rose at Hogwarts Express they went on a fun trip with Harry and Ginny to celebrate their children starting the great wizardry path. After the end of the trip Hermoine was reminded of how much she missed her parents, so she recommended visiting her parents with Ron and Harry, As Ron never got to know them after Hermoine restored their memories and as her husband.

They had to take Fred their youngest child who was 8 years old with them on both trips. They invited Ginny and Harry to go with them to see Hermoine's parents but Ginny was sick, so only Harry agreed on condition for Ginny to go sit with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley to take care of her. Hermoine, Harry and Ron then started to start their trip.

"I've missed this" Harry sighed while remembering all the adventures they had together when they were young.

"Yes...Remember our second year when Ron cursed himself with his broken wand when he tried cursing Draco Malfoy to eat slugs" Hermoine said with excitement and giggled a bit.

"He was RIDIKULUS" Harry meant to cheer up Ron, because he was worried about meeting Hermione's parents, but they got him laughing.

As Ron and Harry were aurores in the ministry of magic they both got their own invisible flying car. Of course it was way more intelligent and evaluated as technology is used way better in it not like Mr. Weasley's old car that they wrecked in the second year of Hogwarts.

They finally arrived to Australia with Ron's flying car. It was fascinating and the views were spectacular. When Hermoine saw the city she had no doubt why her parents chose to move there.

"Wow... I couldn't imagine my family being in Australia or us going there." Hermoine said impressively although her voice was so low and she didn't speak clearly.

"Is everything alright Hermoine you seem wrong?" Ron said thoughtfully.

"Yeah...Yeah although.. you seem off" Hermoine exclaimed.

"No I'm fine I'm just scared your parents won't like me" Ron said while feeling a little bit embarrassed.

"No No of course they will" Hermoine comforted Ron.

"Don't worry Ron I've never seen them after they restored their memory too!" Harry comforted him too.

Harry trembled while they were unpacking their bags and suitcases from the car. They laughed a bit, but Harry noticed his glasses were missing. "Here you go" Ron Gave Harry the glasses. "Reparo!" Hermoine Casted the spell loudly.

"Ding dong!" Ron rang the bell. Hermoine was making her clothes neat, so do the boys did for they were ready to meet Hermoine's parents.

"Hello! I'm Hermoine's mother Mrs. Granger you guys must be Ron and Harry!" Mrs. Granger said genuinely.

"Hermoine told me all about your adventures you guys." Mrs. Granger added.

"I've missed you mom!" Hermoine said with happy tears in her eyes and gave Mrs. Granger the biggest hug.

"Hello mam" Ron said respectfully as he wanted to make a good impression.

"you must be Ron! Hermoine told me all about you and your red headed family I'm really thanking you for how much you and your family took care of her." Mrs. Granger said to try comforting him as she saw his shy self in his eyes.

"Hermoine is the most precious thing in my life, I would do anything to protect her."

"Hi I'm Harry!" Harry started introducing his self after he broke the conversation when he saw Ron uncomfortable.

"oh Harry the boy who lived I knew a lot about the dangerous and reckless things you did!"

She said while she started Giggling.

Hermoine broke the conversation and said "Mom I brought you a surprise! Come on Fred meet your grandma..."

"Oh my Lord I have a grandson!!!" Mrs. Granger said while she was surprised.

"Hello grandma." Fred's cute little sound appeared.

"come hear my dear!" Mrs. Granger said and gave him a big warm hug.

"I never knew I had a grandson" She said while she was still in a great shock.

"Yes mom and his is named after Ron's brother who sacrificed his self in a very hard big fight" Hermoine said in a sigh, but inside her she felt proud, for she did something that would make Ron happy.

"Oh my dear, I'm so sorry for that!" Mrs. Granger said as she truly felt pathetic and sad.

"Um where is dad?" Hermoine asked.

"He is at work dear" Mrs. Granger replied.

"Is Australia a good place?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yes very much! I'm enjoying it" Mrs. Granger stated.

Ding Dong!

"That must be your dad I'm going to open make your selves at home"

"Hi Mom!" A soft sound appeared from outside the door.

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