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Jessie bit the inside of her cheeks, attempting to manage her anxiety. She couldn't focus on anything or cheer Shane on, who was skateboarding. Just a bit ago, the laptop's screen they had been viewing the Tsunami cycles on had turned black, meaning the system was locked up. Dustin, who received the yellow CD yesterday, ended up having the backup disk. Everything would've been set if he hadn't lost his backpack, that is.

"Oh, man..." Jessie heard. She turned to the sound of the voice to see Dustin, who was visibly frustrated. "I take that as a sign that you didn't find it?" Jessie assumed, making Dustin sigh, confirming he didn't. "Any luck?" Shane asked, he and Tori walking up to the two. "No, man." "Well, think, where else have you been?" Everyone fell still while Dustin tried to recollect. "The track. THE TRACK!" Dustin exclaimed.

But before he could go check, Cam had called Shane through the communicators. "Shane, we're getting a strange heat signature reading at the quarry." "Kelzaks?" "No, I don't know what it is. Better Ranger up, just to be safe." "Not going to be a problem." Shane looked between his three friends. "Ready?" "Ready." "Ninja Storm, Ranger form!" "Blizzard Storm, Ranger form!"

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"What's going on?" "Not a whole lot." "Nothing here." "Empty as ever." "Uh, Cam, this place is like downtown deadsville." The others studied their surroundings for any disturbances while Shane communicated with Cam. "I'm taking a heat reading from the air force satellite. It's usually right on."

"Huh?" "Did you guys hear some-" Jessie's question was cut off when they got fired by some type of thunder. "Note to self- never, ever doubt Cam." They promptly got up to view two strangers who were also in suits like theirs but different. A Crimson and Navy colored Rangers. "Who are you?" "More Rangers...?" Jessie questioned out loud only for her and Shane to get no response back. "What's with the attitude?" "Hello, anybody home?"

"Obviously, you didn't get the memo." "Old Rangers out, new Rangers in." "What, you expect us to fight you?" Dustin asked. "There's no way. If you guys are Rangers like us, doesn't that mean you're on our side? For good?" The mysterious Rangers disregarded Jessie's words, running forward to attack them. One time. Two times. Each time, the Wind and Blizzard Rangers getting fired down by the unknown Rangers.

"They have sticks!" "Really big sticks!" "Anybody got a suggestion?" "Get bigger sticks like theirs?" Jessie groaned, trying to be sarcastic. "You want an idea? How about give up?" "Trust us, it will be less painful that way." The Rangers got back up once more, Shane speaking up. "Oh, I get it. This is a training thing, isn't it?" "Cam, you got us." "I think this is for real." "You got me messed up if this is just a training thing."

The odd Rangers disappeared, using speed, leaving the others in wonder. "Where'd they go?" "Really far away if we're lucky."

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Everyone surrounded Sensei Watanabe, speaking all at once except for Jessie, who remained silent. Sensei whistled, making the Wind Rangers pause. "One at a time." "Sensei, who were those guys?" "They fight in the style of the Thunder Ninja Academy. This is all I know for certain." Jessie perked her head up in confusion. "I thought I was the only other person besides Shane, Tori, and Dustin to make it out?" "Yeah, I thought Lothor captured all the other Ninja Academies." Dustin added.

"Could he have turned them against us so he could fight fire with fire?" "Their fire comes from deep within. Even Lothor cannot be driving them to attack with such passion." Hearing Sensei's words, Jessie's mind couldn't help but linger to the new friends Dustin introduced. "You know, I don't really care what their problem is, all I know is, those dudes almost smoked us." "Yeah, but they didn't." Shane noted to Dustin's statement before turning to Sensei. "And I wanna know why."

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