Chapter 2 ⭐️Entering into a bond⭐️

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"GET OUT OF HERE YOU PERV! THIS IS THE GIRLS BATHROOM!" I say as I try to hit him again, my hand passes through him again "WHAAAAAT?! Why aren't my punches hitting you?" I say annoyed.

"You summoned me so I came here. Also why are you trying to hit me when we just met??" The boy said.

"BECAUSE YOURE A PERV AND I WANT YOU TO LEA- wait.. summoned you.... UUUMMMM're not real.. this can't be real, this is a dream, ghosts don't exi-"

"If they don't exist then explain how you summoned me, an apparition." He said.

I sigh and say " I guess Aoi wasn't wrong, ghosts are real. Well what's you're name?"

"I'm Hanako the bathroom ghost although I prefer apparition, I'm delighted to meet you. You are?" He replies.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n); it's nice to meet you Hanako." I say with a smile

"What is you're wish?" He asks me.

"Well I don't have one I just summoned you cause I was dared to. Hehehe...." I tell him.

"You must have something you want. Just think of something (Y/n)"

"Uuuuuum I wish...." I say thinking of something that I want. Then I remember how sad my mom was because she had to break up with the person she was engaged to. "............. that my mom will be happy and not become sad for a long time." I say finishing my sentence.

"Ok that normally wouldn't be possible but I have more supernatural power on full moon days and nights so I can make that happen, but don't forget that you have pay a price and that you won't know what the price is until you've made the wish. Do you still want to wish for that not knowing the price?" Hanako asked.

I reply "yes! I still want to make that wish; NO MATTER what the price is I just want my mom to be happy!"

"Alright all I need you to do is eat one of these" he pulls out a small fabric bag and takes out two small circular objects that almost look like dried glue and they also look holographic "this is a mermaid scale" he holds one of them up for me to grab I take it and look at it for a second. "I use them to make bonds or contracts. All you have to do is swallow one at the same time that I swallow one and we will share a bond."

After he said that I asked "But why do we need a bond?"

He told then told me "We need a bond because you are of the living and I am of the dead; it is impossible for a wish by human to be fully completed by an apparition if there is not a bond."

"Ok, that makes sense." I say just before I swallow my scale.

                           🎴Hanako POV🎴
"Ok, that makes sense." (Y/n) says as she swallows her mermaid scale...... "(Y/N)! NO I TOLD YOU TO SWALLOW IT AT THE SAME TIME AS ME FOR A REASON-" And it was too late. How inconceivable; she had already turned into a fish. I put (Y/n) a fish tank that I had filled with water and was about to tell her that I could make her human again AND fulfill her first wish when She shows up "Why are you here mermaid?!" I ask.

"I came here to collect my servant and you're in my way!" The mermaid shouted at me.

"Well then I'll get out of the way." I say pretending to let her take (Y/n); "Thank yo-" as the mermaid said that I grab the fish tank and have my hakujodi teleport nene and I away from the her; to safety

Or what I thought was safety........

Second chapter done!  Not to spoil anything that I might put in here but what are you're guys thoughts on this becoming a Hanako x reader x tsukasa? Please tell me; I hope you enjoyed reading chapter.

                 That's all - Dancing Dounut

                              🥀672 words🥀

🥀Inconceivable🥀 Hanako x reader x Tsukasa   *oneshots included* Where stories live. Discover now