28- Ghost town

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The air was cold, nipping my nose. I was afraid my fingers would turn into ice sickles. I could feel the cold intrude in my wool trench coat. " Are you cold? " Grant asked. He grabbed my hand and I smiled politely. " So, " Grant said awkwardly. " Did I do something wrong? "

My eyes widened and I shook my head. I pulled him to the side of the busy sidewalk. " Not at all, I'm not feeling my best today, " I told him. It was particularly true I wasn't mad at him, I was mad at the dream I had of him. Every time I look at him I get taken right back to the nightmare. I see him smirking at
me in a wedding suit. I feel his lips take mine, while I was wishing he was someone else. I felt guilty. I shouldn't be thinking about Dante. I'm here with Grant, a guy that likes me.

" Are you sure? " he faltered.

I nodded and took both of his hands in mine. " I'm positive. " To assure him I stood my tiptoes and kissed him gently on his cheek. When I pulled away there was a grin on his face. His eyes travel from my lips to my neck. His grin
vanished and he lifted Dante's chain with his finger.

" I would have never pegged you as a dog tag type. " I could tell he was trying to keep the suspicion out of his voice, but it was too strong. " Where did you get it? " he inquired.

I smiled gently, trying to fight the urge in my stomach. " Dante's, " I told him carelessly. I turned away and faced the street where the cars whizzed by. Grant grabbed my wrist and pulled me around. I felt my eyes water, but I didn't yell. He let go of my wrist and my hands dropped to my side.

" Why are you wearing it? " Grant egged. He was upset, but he was talking softly,
like Dante did when he controlled his anger.

" He gave it to me, " I told him truthfully. Grant sucked in a breath, his brown hair falling over his eyes. He lowered his head down slightly and stuffed his hands in his pockets. It was an odd sight. Grant reminded me of a ticking bomb waiting for the right time to blow up. He lifted his head back up and his features are soft again.

" Okay, " he sighed, "nothing is going on between you guys, right? " Grant tilted his head as if he was studying me. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his neck.

" Nothing's going on between Dante and me. " I looked in his eyes and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

" Well, that's great to hear. I was afraid I was going to have to execute him. " He let me go and I pulled away hastily. I don't think he was joking. He caught my hand and we walked in line with the rest of the pedestrians. There were males with mini skirts and makeup to last them for weeks. There were men dressed in wrinkled work attire, many holding business suitcases. On the side, leaning on the front door of a shop was a couple making out. The man pushing her against the door. I cringed and looked away. For a split second, I thought he was eating her face off.

I looked up at Grant who was focused in front of him. I can't imagine marrying him and that is harsh. He wasn't someone I wanted to spend my life with, just someone I want now. It may be devilish of me, but we just don't have that spark. His lips turned into a smirk. I looked back down and felt a blush tint my cheeks. Maybe I just want us to work. I could learn to love him.

" I haven't seen you around Authors lately, " Grant spoke.

" I haven't been to Authors lately. I've been busy, you know a lot of writing, " I fibbed for the second time in the last hour.

" Well, he misses you. It's not fun to work anymore if you're not there. " Grant warped an arm around me as we crossed the street. " And why is it that we go out at night rather than a day? " I bit my lip, he noticed. I was hoping he wouldn't.

" I'm not busy at night. " Three times. The truth was I didn't know if Dante was going to leave and I'd rather be with Grant than all alone at home waiting for Dante to walk in the door. When Dante is gone I hardly get any sleep. The knots in my stomach prevent me from peace.

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