09| silent

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"Yes ma'am how may I help you?"

"Ah yes, I need you to help me with something. And fast."

If it weren't for the mood that I was in, I'm pretty sure I would've caused a scene and only draw attention to myself. But as of this moment I didn't have the energy to report a crime of theft and the thought of someone stalking me.

Because I already knew who it was.

And just thinking about it all made my heart hurt as a million questions were consuming me. Begging to be confirmed, begging to be answered.
Why? Where? What? How? When? And with whom?

Was he here all by himself? What if I'm being stupid and paranoid to actually think he'd follow me all the way here. He had his own life and last night he made it clear that he didn't want to be near me. He made it clear that he's not looking forward to see me as family or accept me as family. He made it clear that I was nothing and I was clearly unwanted. I couldn't say anything else because his words were just burning me inside. He made me doubt, he made me see the truth In the most eye opening way. He made me believe that everything he said was true.

So why follow me? Why go after me? I don't think I was worth his time or was I? Obviously not.

But I couldn't help the small possibility of him coming to see me for much more different reasons but I blocked that possibility almost immediately because it's impossible. Damon hated me. And the possibility of him liking me, accepting me, was slim. So I don't think seeing it differently and positively will make everything better.

I pushed the possibility all the way to back and sighed. Was he here? Was the main question.

And if he was here, why was he here?

I groaned this time and found myself accidentally dropping the call. I let out another groan almost throwing the hotel telephone somewhere on the wall. "Ugh," I hit my hand on the wall.

Trust me, punching it would be my worst mistake.

I put the phone down and walked back to the suitcase that looked identical to mine. I noticed on his there was a tiny badge thing that was written in a foreign language.

Italian, was the first thing that popped up because they were Italian. I was Hispanic so I could sum up some of the words in Italian and actually understand it. I unzipped the black suitcase once again and my hand immediately came into contact with the sketch of me.

I stared at the sketch and different emotions were taking over me.

But I remembered the image. It was an image that I'd never shone to the public nor my family. No one had this photo, so it was weird how Damon had made a sketch if it.

I never showed the picture to anybody because for me, it was one of those pictures when you're caught in the moment and it brought back, memories.

Jackson whom was my assistant found it in one of my belongings and instantly loved it. And from then on, I knew I'd always have to hide it. So it was shocking that Damon had it. Where did he even find it?

My heart clenched as I took a seat and freed the sketch from my grasp and slowly but surely had my hands on one of his clothing items. I got a hold of his t- shirt and I let myself melt at the manly scent as I held it up to my nose and let myself be. My nose smelt the vanilla mixed with icy scent- that didn't make any sense but okay.

I closed my eyes and the only thing I could now see were those blue and piercing eyes.

His piercing orbs were staring into mine intently as he held my gaze for the longest time.

The pad of his thumb felt rough but softly wiped away the tears I didn't know that I had shed. "I've been calling for you for the longest time." He admitted. His palm softly stroking my neck as I felt something soft connect with my nape.

It was his lips I panicked and realization

And then I opened my eyes and realized that I imagined it all. "What is going on with you Melinoe?"

What was going on with me?

I then suddenly began to hear my phone ringing and I suppressed a groan and started wondering around the hotel room, trying my best to locate my phone. But I couldn't find the damn thing.

I checked under the cushions, the bathroom, behind the bed pillows and even under the bed but nada. [Nothing]  I still couldn't find the phone. "Ugh where did I leave you?" I muttered to myself before searching the drawers and found my phone in the last drawer.

But by the time I found it, the phone had stopped ringing.

I shut my eyes as the screen lit up. I had a little hope but not until I opened my eyes and saw that I had gotten 20  messages from Nichola and a missed call but nothing from Aaron.

Should've expected it.

I decided to text Nichola and reassured her that I was okay and that I was safe.

I silenced my phone and put it on aeroplane more before switching the device off.

This will be my vacation and healing time.

The weather seemed good for a day at the beach and all I needed was my clothes back.

Which meant, getting my suitcase.

And which also meant, Finding  Damon.

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