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It's been about a week or so since I sent the letter. I don't know why I get so impatient about waiting on Harry's letters but I do. There's just something about him. I don't know how to explain it.

Anyway, with a couple of weeks gone of summer vacation, I decide that I should really do something with myself instead of waiting on letters from a complete stranger. I'm just not really sure of what to do.

I sigh as I get up from my uncomfortable couch, making my way outside into the warm air. Maybe I should do something in the warm summer air.

I find myself dialing Joey's number and pressing the call button then putting it up to my ear, waiting for him to answer as the phone rings.

"Hey, Izzy." He answers.

"Hi, Joey." I reply. "I was wondering if you were up to doing something today..."

"Sure!" He answers all too quickly.

"Okay...What do you think we should do?" I ask him, chewing on my lower lip.

"Hmm." He hums. "Meet me at the beach and we can have some fun there."

"Okay, I'll meet you there."


Arriving at the beach, I hug my swimsuit cover up to my body as I walk across the warm sand, trying to find a spot all by myself. When I find a spot far enough from people, I lay my towel out and sit down on it, putting my beach bag down beside me. Oh God, the sun is so....hot. How can people stand it out here?

"Hey, Izzy!" Joey comes running up to me, almost knocking sand into my eyes.

"Hi." I reply. "How long have you been here?"

"I've been here a while with my friends." He gestures to a large group of people from our class, people that I've never really talked to. "C'mon. I'll introduce you."

"Um...no thanks." I decline. "I don't wanna ruin your fun so you go ahead. I'll stay here."

"Come on, Iz." He pouts.

"I don't want to, Joey." I tell him. "Really, I'll be fine right here."

"Okay but I'll come check on you in a little while." With that, he goes back over to his herd of friends.

After I apply some sun screen, I begin reading a book for quite a while until someone starts blocking the sun. I look up to see the curly haired lad from Jillian's city!

"Aren't you that girl from the shop about a week ago?" He asks me.

"I am." I answer. "What're you doing here?"

"I love this beach during the summer." He replies. "What're you doing here?"

"I live in this city."

"Interesting." He chuckles. "My name is Harry by the way." My heart leaps in my chest when I hear that name. It can't be the Harry. Not the one that I know. It's just a coincidence is all.

"I'm Izzy." I tell him. When I say my name, his eyes widen but he seems to shake it off.

"Would you mind if I hang out with you?" He inquires. "I don't have any friends to hang out with and you seem like quite the interesting person."

"Thanks." I let out the smallest of giggles. "You can hang out with me but I doubt I'm even close to interesting." He plops down into the sand beside me.

"C'mon now, have a bit of faith in yourself." He chuckles lightly. I form a small smile before turning my head back to my book.

Joey runs back up to me before I can start reading again so I look up to him.

"Who's your friend?" Joey asks, gesturing to Harry.

"This is Harry." I reply. "We met when I was visiting Jillian."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. He's pretty nice." I tell Joey, looking from Joey to Harry then back. Joey seems to roll his eyes.

"Whatever." He walks off, seeming pissed off.

"What was his deal?" Harry inquires. "I didn't do anything, did I?"

"No, no." I reply. "He's just a bit....bipolar at times." Harry laughs at this one, throwing his head back with joy. I can't help but to giggle at this, finding it quite cute how he laughs. Maybe this guy and I can be friends...


"C'mon Izzy! Come in the water!" Harry yells at me as he splashes the ocean with his hands. "It feels great!"

"Ehh." I whine, kicking the water that's at my feet.

"I'm not afraid to drag you in! Now c'mon!" He's very playful, a full grin on his face.

"Fine, fine." I finally step into where he is, the water going halfway up my one piece suit.

"Feels good, yeah?"

"Yeah, it does." I smile, lightly patting the top of the water. I look up from the water to Harry to see him staring down at me, grinning and biting down on his lower lip. He's stood closer to me than before which intrigues me a little. His damp curls are sticking to his head and water drips down his tan, muscled body.

For a minute, I catch myself thinking that he may actually kiss me but who am I kidding? He was just grinning at how dorky and weird I am because he finds it amusing. A guy like this could never go for a girl like me.


After a long day at the beach, I go home. Today was quite eventful. I got Harry's number so we can keep in touch and I had tons of fun with him. He's a really nice, really enthusiastic guy. His girlfriend must feel pretty lucky.

And anytime I would bring up him and a girl, he would respond with, "well there is this girl but it's complicated" so what is that supposed to tell me? Boys are confusing creatures.

Now I'm in bed, snuggled into the warmths of my covers as my mind drifts into a deep sleep.


Update, yay! I hope you enjoy!

I love you guys!


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