Chapter 27

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Going camp after camp, the bus was almost full with each camper they had. (Y/n) had now seated in the seat behind Cameron with Max. He crossed off Nurf's name and looked up at her with a smile, "That's...almost everyone!"

"Just two names left," David told him in a happy tone

"My favorite part is when (Y/n/n) acts like she's about to fire them before she mentions the test! You still got that manipulate side to you!" Cameron cheered as he ruffled her hair

"Actually my favorite part is seeing the look on the counselors' faces when Dave shows them the binder," (Y/n) said as she nudged Max, hoping he would join the conversation

"Well, my favorite part is seeing how much fun you three are having together!" David point at them, "Mr. Campbell you sure helped bring out their natural talents!"

"I was voted worst influence in Super Guatanemos yearbook signing party!"

David and (Y/n) made eye contact before she looked down at Max. He had an upset look across his face as he kept his gaze down. Cameron noticed and tried to talk with him,

"Aw what's wrong kid? We've done impressive work here, you should be happy!"

"I'm fine, don't worry about it,"

Max stopped as he felt David's phone ringing. He pulled out the cell phone and pressed the accept call button. He heard Gwen's voice on the other line and passed the phone towards (Y/n). She placed the phone on speaker so everyone can hear.

"Holy shit! Whatever it is you guys are doing it's working! They are going crazy over here trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, but I'm not sure how longer I can keep these idiots busy so let's wrap this up quick,"

(Y/n) chuckled as he heard Gwen yell at a woman named Nancy. Gwen continued,

"Just make sure the contract is ready so that all of this can go over without a hitch, you got that Campbell?"

"On top of it! I worked it up myself,"

"And I hope this goes without saying, but because your you, no funny shit alright? The Campwell's are giving David, (Y/n) and me control of the camp,"

"Oh don't you worry, Cameron Campbell can't legally own property anyway,"

David smiled, "All that's left is to get Nikki and Neil!"

"That's the other thing...they are actually here,"

(Y/n) spoke up, "Gwen who's with them?"

"The Campwell's, why?"

"Because your finally going to use your dual major in psychology, knowing my parents they probably want to get to the bottom of what's going on so use that to your advantage," (Y/n) then turned to the window seeing the buildings pass by, "we'll be there in 10 minutes tops,"

"Hey (Y/n)...will you be okay with doing this?"

(Y/n) remained quiet. She already let down her parents once and she knew it was going to happen again. Her attention went between Max and David before she remembered why she agreed,

"We'll see you in 10," (Y/n) repeated as she hung up the phone.


After they arrived to the Camp. Corp building Gwen and the other two had stepped out of the elevator. (Y/n) took notice that the three friends were having a small fight. She guessed it must've been Max's doing based on his behavior.

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