Chapter 14

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Under the moonlight stood the counselors cabin. From the outside could be heard the faint tv playing as Gwen continued her manicure, David could be heard sleeping soundly in his bed as he snored out different tree names. (Y/n) sat in her desk as she wrote in her journal about the past events. With every word her hand would occasionally grip the ballpoint pen tighter.

In her mind (Y/n) couldn't believe the amount of adventures she faced in a month. It wasn't even half way through the summer and it already felt like tourture.

Although (Y/n) had managed to write in it every night, there was one day where she couldn't write an entry for. No matter how many times she tried to.

The day Daniel arrived.

Sure, she was able to write about Jasper's ghost, or how the Quarter Master nearly married his sister. Hell, (Y/n) wrote even wrote about her parents.

But the entry for the day Daniel arrived, she always left blank.

(Y/n) would hate to admit it, but he left her scared. A part of her knew if she wrote about it, it would be the first step in getting over the trauma.

She gripped her pen as she flipped through the pages until she landed into the blank page. (Y/n) winced as she saw how she scribbled out the last two tries she did. (Y/n) let out a breath she was holding and placed her pen on top of the paper. She began to write.

She didn't make it far, the memories slowly returned. Her grip on the pen tightened as she remembered Max's scared face. His desperate cries for her as she was forcefully shove into the sauna. (Y/n) remembered the thick fog, her eyes watering as she lost consciousness-

In the mist of (Y/n)'s panicking, she broke the pen in half. Black ink stained her hand as (Y/n) let out a string of curses.

However she stopped when the campers all began screaming. Without a second thought (Y/n) wiped her hand and rushed out the door, hearing a loud explosion followed by more screams.

In the dark she could make out four silhouettes running behind a group of campers. (Y/n) looked around until she spotted a familiar object laying next to a tree stump.

(Y/n) ran over towards the tree and picked up the baseball bat. She swung it around a few times before turning her attention to the attackers. She stood frozen when she made eye contact with the Wood Scouts, who also stared at her wide-eyed.

"Petrol! Bring the counselor as hostage!"

"Excuse me?" (Y/n) shouted as she brought the bat up, ready to swing.

A sudden force caused (Y/n) to fall. The bat rolled away from her as a small pair of hands quickly tied hers together. She looked over to see Snake, who successfully tied her hands. (Y/n) struggled with the rope before the teen, Petrol, threw her over his shoulder.

"Remember this day Camp Campbell! We've successfully taken your favorite counsler! We'll see how long you'll last without her!"

"Pikeman! Bring her back!"

(Y/n) heard the various children yell after the Wood Scouts as they ran off into the darkness. (Y/n) felt herself get thrown into a boat. She struggled, however it seemed useless. (Y/n) sat up as she watched the camp grow smaller and smaller.

"It's okay Ms. (Y/n)," Jermy patted her head, "we'll all get sad sometimes,"

"Shut up Jermy," (Y/n) rolled her eyes as they reached the Wood Scouts base.


The morning seemed much more chaotic than Gwen would have liked. Normally it seemed like that they would be able to handle anything that's thrown their way, but today.

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