Chapter 10: Forest Rumors!

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Hello Everyone!
I'm so very sorry this Chapter is late. I wanted it to be posted days ago but School was a real pain. Anyways I hope you all forgive me and well enjoy!

Narrator's POV
"Ash and Goh have come back to Vermilion City in the Kanto region. Where are they now? It's the Pichu Café, where the chefs and waiters work alongside their Pichu partners. Our heroes are here for some chow since their plane had just previously landed."

Goh's POV
"Woah, woah, woah! How much more are you going to eat?!" I asked in panic. Ash just ignores me and gulps down all the food in his mouth. He starts coughing and gasping for air. 'Why does he never learn his lesson?'

I grabbed a glass of water on the table and handed it over to him. He quickly snatched the glass out of my hand and started chugging the water down. After a few moments of Ash's struggles he ends up alright. I let out a sigh in relief and lecture him saying "You need to learn to eat slower otherwise you may end up choking!"

He apologizes and afterwards we wait patiently at the bus stop for the next bus to come and drive up to the Cerise Laboratory.

Ash's POV, About An Hour Later...
Me and Goh arrived back at the Cerise Laboratory and we open the doors shouting "We're back!" As I close the doors behind us Chloe walks through the hallway and greets us "Welcome back! How was it?"

"Alola was incredible! I even caught two new Pokémon!" Goh exclaimed.

(Author's Note: Hello I'm here just to say I forgot that Goh caught a Pyukumuku during the Alola Episode. So that's the other Pokémon he caught.)

"That's wonderful Goh! Actually though my dad wants to see you both," Chloe explained.

Me and Goh looked at each other confused at why Professor Cerise wanted to see us, but we went along with it. We walked through the hallways and reached the Research Lab where a bunch of monitors are on with images of trees from a forest.

"Umm... Professor Cerise? You wanted to see us right?" I asked him.

"Yes!" Cerise answered.

"What is all the forest pictures for?" Goh questioned out of curiosity.

Professor Cerise then started explaining "You see these are photos of a forest located in the Kalos Region. This forest is nearby Lumiose City and there have been numerous reports of a mysterious Pokémon inhabiting it. I want you two to try and find out more."

"Kalos... That's where I meet Korrina right?" Goh asked.

"Yeah, she's from Shalour City though," I answer.

"Alright I have tickets ready for a flight later today to Lumiose City. So I recommend you two get ready and make sure you have everything you'll need," Professor Cerise clarified.

I ran up the stairs into the room me and Goh's room and pack a few changes of clothes. I pack along a few snacks I had saved and placed in my bag as well. I then opened a drawer which contained multiple Pokéballs. I look through them all and see if there is anyone I want to bring with along with me.

Suddenly a giant Shadow Ball hit my back causing me to fall over. I groan in pain and I look up to see the culprit of the attack. "Gengar! What was that for?!" I yell in anger.

Gengar laughs starts to laugh hysterically looking at me in pain. I jump up trying to drag down Gengar but fail miserably. I trip and fall face first onto the wooden floor. "OWWWW!!"

Gengar floats down over to me on the floor and points towards he Pokéball on my belt. "You want to come with us?" I asked.

"Gengar-Gen!" Gengar says with a wide smile.

"Alright!" I said as I took out the Pokéball and returned Gengar. I go back I've fro the drawer filled with Pokéballs and I finally decided who to bring. I grabbed their Pokéball and place it onto my belt, leaving two spots left.

'I should ask if anyone else want to come'

I grab my bag filled with everything I needed and exited the laboratory. I start a nice walk to Cerise Park with Pikachu resting on my head. As we arrive I start searching for my other Pokémon. I keep looking and finally I find Riolu and Farfetch'd training by battling one another. I decide to watch them for a bit to let them calm down.

After a few minutes they both stop in exhaustion and I come over and hand them both Oran Berries from a nearby tree for their efforts. Riolu and Farfecth'd thank me and start munching down on the berries. "Now that you both are calmed down do either of you want to come with me to the Kalos Region?"

Riolu's eye glimmered brightly and he tackled me into a hug. "Alright, you can come along Riolu," I tell him as I return him to his Pokéball.

"How about you Farfetch'd? You want to come along as wel?" I ask him.

Farfetch'd turns around and starts training again. 'Well I guess he doesn't want to come. Time to ask Dragonite.'

I continue searching and I find Dragonite flying above the forest section. "Hey Dragonite down here!" I call out.

Dragonite flying down and has a questioning look. "Dragonite do you want to come to investigate something in Kalos?" I ask. Dragonite just shakes his head left and right telling me no. "Okay then!" I say as Dragonite flys high into the air.

"Well I guess we should head back now buddy." "Pika-Pikachu!" he says in response.

We head back and Goh is there patiently waiting for us. "Alright let's go Ash!" Goh exclaims.

"Let's see what our next adventure holds for us!" I state in excitement.

Alright, sorry if it was a little rushed at the end. I just needed to finish this as soon as I could. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and hopefully next chapter will be more interesting.

Cya Next Time!

-Charlie (Amourshipper)
Twitter: @ Amour_4Life

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