Talking about the problem

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Cuddling into Korra's shoulder Asami tried to distract her, "Don't worry, he had someone very important visiting first thing this morning. I doubt he would accept any interruptions nor would the guards dare bring this up with a stranger present. I wasn't really supposed to say anything about it though, it's-"

Korra tensed, "He's not trying to... you know, sell me on or anything is he?"

Asami immediately sought to reassure Korra, "No! Absolutely not, he knows how important you are to me, even if he didn't, he certainly will now. It's hard to explain. The man that's coming, he comes from a temple, it's on an island near the city. They are quite reclusive and nobody knows much about them.

"This man, he claims he and some of the other's on the island can... that they can air bend."

Korra looked dumbstruck. "What? Are you serious?" Aside from old stories there had never been any indication there was anybody else with the ability to bend the elements.

Asami nodded, "It's just what he says. That's why I wasn't supposed to tell you, my father wanted to meet with him and see if it was true first."

Korra was still suspicious, even if they were reclusive surely somebody would have stumbled across them before. "Are you sure your father isn't trying to send me away? Why would he meet with the guy in secret?"

Asami realised Korra had more than just an immediate fear of being sent away, it seemed to be a much deeper, older fear. "Korra, you've lived with us for over ten years, my father watched you grow up with me. He may not have expected it when he first... bought... you but I know he cares for you. He didn't send you to school because he was worried your bending would get you into trouble, he was trying to protect you from the sort of persecution you faced with your tribe.

"I know being stuck here on your own was hard on you, but he was only doing what he thought was the lesser of two evils. He's been trying to arrange private tuition for you, it's just not easy to find someone who's not going to be judgemental about your bending.

"Meeting with this man, it's only because he's taking the chance that it's true, that it might mean you'll have someone that can help you understand your abilities and find acceptance with others that can do similar things."

Korra struggled to form a reply at first, "I... I didn't think he... he was around so little and then he sent you to school. I never realised he cared." It had never occurred to her the Asami's father was as accepting of her as Asami herself was.

Asami frowned, Korra seemed to be genuinely surprised about her father's acceptance, "I'm sorry, I know he's never really spent much time with you, he's always so busy. I think he always regretted the way he bought you like an object. He assumes you hold it against him and doesn't want to make things difficult between us by trying to get close to you."

Korra was stunned, "I... wow, I never realised. I don't blame him for that, I know it's weird and all but it meant I got to be here, to have a home. To be with you. I had nothing before I came here. No matter how that started I'm still grateful that it did."

Giving Korra an apologetic look, Asami spoke softly, "I guess we should probably talk about this stuff more huh?"

Korra gave Asami a slight nod of assurance, her gaze still unfocused as she murmured her reply, "Mhm, yeah." She had been completely wrong about Asami's father, had she just screwed everything up by mating with Asami?

Asami sighed, she could still feel the tension in Korra's body, "Don't worry about my father. He might be surprised it's happened so soon but he won't be surprised that we ended up as mates. He won't be angry, he really does care about you and all he wants is for us both to be happy."

Korra chuckled and wondered if Asami was reading her mind. She finally allowed herself relax, Asami wouldn't lie to her, if she said her father would be OK with it, then she believed her. She remained silent, mulling things over in her mind, trying to figure out how she had completely misunderstood so many things.

Asami could feel the change, Korra seemed physically more relaxed but still seemed distant. "Are you OK?"

With more conviction Korra nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, I am, it's just a lot to take in. I'm glad we talked about this though, It's cleared a lot of stuff up for me. A lot of things I'd been worried about. I'm glad to have that weight off my mind.

"So, what's this guys name anyway, the supposed air bender?"

Asami decided it wouldn't hurt to tell Korra the man's name, it was about the only remaining thing she knew about him anyway. "Tenzin."

Mulling it over, Korra was almost afraid to ask what she really wanted to know. "You think he's for real?" She finally asked, searching Asami's face, hoping her expression would give her as much of an answer as the words themselves.

Asami thought for a moment, "I think my father wouldn't have brought him here if he thought he was lying." Asami couldn't quite read Korra's expression, "Are you excited about it?"

Korra couldn't look at Asami as she softly replied, "Kinda, I don't want to get my hopes up though."

Asami smiled at her and drew her into a hug, "Come on, let's go get washed up. Meeting your first bending buddy covered in the scent of sex might be a bit too awkward."

Chucking, Korra let herself be pulled out of bed and towards the shower. She really hoped this 'Tenzin' was telling the truth about his air bending. If he wasn't though, at least she had plenty other reasons to be happy now.

Stopping for a moment to enjoy the sight of Asami heading towards the shower room, her hips swaying seductively, Korra grinned.

Oh yeah, plenty of very, very enjoyable reasons.

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