Foreigner - George POV

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George couldn't stop grinning as the four of them walked out into the parking lot, following Sapnap to the rental car. He was excited, and quite nervous, yet completely mystified. He couldn't help feeling strange, as he was this close to Dream, the real, human version, and yet had never seen his face.

He was almost tempted to reach out, to pull the mask up for a split second just to catch a glimpse, but he knew much better than that. As much as he wanted to, he didn't want to offend Dream. So instead, he schemed in his own head what his friend looked like.

Sapnap and Bad looked about as much as he imagined, having seen their faces a few times. However, if felt surreal, seeing them dressed in normal clothes, smiling and talking face to face. Bad had dressed in black jeans and a black shirt, and had pushed his glasses far up onto his nose. Sapnap had worn a white shirt, and what appeared to be grey joggers, and had pushed his hair over and out of his face.

 George felt as if he could've done more, simply wearing a navy v-neck and a pair of grey jeans, but had spent quite a lot of time getting his hair to lay flat. Dream on the other hand, had either left his hair as fluffy as it was or couldn't control it. It was coming over the mask, and wasn't too long, but reasonably grown out unlike the sides of his head, which were very clean shaven. He found this funny, he never thought Dream would have such unruly hair. However, it fit well against the white hoodie and black jeans he had dressed in- it seemed the whole group had stuck to neutral. His thoughts were interrupted by Sapnap calling to him.

"Hey, George?" Sapnap turned around and looked at him, walking backwards. "How was the flight here?"

 "It was okay. I don't really mind flying," he laughed.

 "Lucky you! Some kid on the plane kept looking at me and I was scared he knew me." Bad said, rubbing the back of his neck. George looked over at him.

 "Did he?"

"Not sure, I just laid over in my seat until the flight was over." Bad said earnestly. Dream gave a small, soft giggle.

"That's why I don't show my face."

"Sure, that's why." Sapnap teased.

"It is! It adds a bit of suspense and as long as I talk quiet when I'm out then I'm fine. No one recognizes me. I can only imagine what it's like for George."

"It's not that bad, actually. No one really bothers you in Britain- and I don't show my face much when I'm out and about." George said. Sapnap stopped beside a grey car.

"This is it," He said, pulling the keys from his pocket. Everyone stood silently, all debating the same plan in their minds for a few still moments. They exchanged glances, and there wasn't any movement.

All at once, they all ran forwards, hurrying to get to the best seats in the car. George ran forward, to the right sider, hurrying to get to the front seat. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Dream dart to the right and Sapnap throw himself onto the roof of the car in a desperate scramble to beat Dream to the drivers seat.

Having to avoid Sapnap's flying feet, George stopped quickly and Bad slid right past him, running for the front seat. George panicked and rushed forwards, effectively scaring Bad and causing him to throw himself protectively over the front passenger door.

Bad's body hitting the car caused it to rock, which sent Sapnap tumbling to the ground on the other side. Dream stopped in his tracks as Sapnap's body fell in front of him, and everyone froze. Dream stared down for a second, then dropped out of view, where George could hear him talking to Sapnap.

"Shit- are you okay?" His voice was concerned. Bad didn't correct Dream's language, eyes fixed nervously on the roof of the car, waiting for the two to reappear. There were a few seconds of silence, before a loud, wheezing laugh rang out from behind.

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