"Sandwiches", Screamers and Skeppy - Sapnap POV

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 "I think we can fit one more," Sapnap muttered into the plastic in front of his face.

"No! I'll carry the rest of the bags." Bad responded. "Now come on," He heard Bad walk away, but couldn't see. The shopping bags were stacked in his arms all the way up to his face, blocking his vision.

"Wait! Bad!" He yelped. He heard the footsteps stop, and then giggles.

"You muffin! You can't even see!" Bad's hand appeared and took the top bag, removing the blockade from his view. With a giggle, Bad turned and led the way, Sapnap stumbling along behind him under the weight of the sodas and food. They had gone quite overboard, but were nonetheless prepared.

They went out into the parking lot and towards the large black RV, where Sapnap could make out two of his friends sitting in the front seat through the windshield. They were talking, and didn't notice them creeping up to the RV. Sapnap laughed and set down the bags gently. Bad watched with a smile as he pulled open the door just enough for it to be silent.

He crept up the stairs and turned towards the door to the driving area. He could hear their muffled voices.

"Do you guys really build everything out of brick?"

"Well- kind of. The UK sits on a big plot of clay so everything is made of bricks. It's easier that way."

"How do you tell the houses apart?"

"You just know, I guess. They're not all the same, you know." Sapnap had to stifle a laugh at George's tone. Dream made an incredulous noise.

"I- I didn't mean-"

"WHATS UP LOVE MUFFINS!" Sapnap slammed violently through the door, and several things happened in very quick succession.

George leapt into the air, flattening himself against the door and sticking his arms up defensively, ready to start swinging. He was screaming to such a high octave that Sapnap doubted he could breathe. Dream tried to stand but slipped and fell right onto Sapnap, pinning him on his stomach between the two front seats. Dream was sprawled onto his back, tall legs up in the air and arms flailing.

"HEY!" Bad shouted. Sapnap's face was forced down, so he couldn't see what was going on around him.

"What?" Dream shifted on his back, causing a very painful jolt in his spine.

"OW!" Sapnap screamed. There was a moment of silence before the weight went flying off his back.

"Woah! Sap- are you okay?"

"I'm grand- how are you?" Sapnap muttered, using his arms to lift himself up. George and Dream both pushed up on his forearms and helped him into Bad's reach, who got him unstuck from the seat and pulled him onto his feet.

"Gotcha," Sapnap gave his friends weak finger guns. George groaned.

"Georgie's a screamer," Dream joked. George's jaw dropped as he stared. Dream laughed, before looking up at Bad and Sapnap, who were both wearing smug faces. He seemed to realize what he had said all at once, and his face darkened red. There were a few moments of silence before each and every one of them lost all composure.

Sapnap had to duck out of the driving area and collapse onto a couch to remain on his feet, which Bad failed to do. He stumbled onto a wall and held onto the counter for support as he laughed.

"That is NOT what I meant!" Dream's flustered voice called from the front seat area. Sapnap looked up in time to see George stumble out, face so red he could be compared to a strawberry. He was smiling shyly, laughing softly. As George sank into a seat beside him, Dream walked out of the driving compartment, arms folded and face still red under the mask.

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