The Times, They are A-Changing... For the Worse

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As the months rolled on, you became a perfect canine companion to your family. Domestic bliss was a welcome change from the hardscrabble life of a stray you had known, and you adapted well to being a pet as a result. One could even say you excelled at it, were obedience their measure of choice, as you had displayed an unusual aptitude for learning tricks of all sorts, from the basic "sit" to rolling over when presented with a finger-gun from Hope (which was utilized to great avail when guests came over).

You also demonstrated a seemingly preternatural understanding of your human masters, as many pets appear to do. This came in handy for all members of the family when they felt down, yet you shared a special bond with Hope. Not only did the young girl spend the most amount of time with you, but she was also quite often left to her own devices, meaning that a cute, furry playmate was perhaps more appreciated to fill the void her working parents had left in her life.

However, that wasn't to say her parents outright ignored their beloved child. Janet, especially, took the care to ensure that she made time for her daughter each day. This often meant games, which you particularly enjoyed, being a young and playful canine. A certain favorite was the age-old hide and go seek.

As Janet would close her eyes and count, you'd race along at Hope's heels as she stuffed the pair of you into a closet or behind a dresser, giggling all the way. When Janet inevitably found you all, you'd bark and wag your tail, grateful for no longer needing to lay still and silent. When the game was over, your child master was usually quite tired. Her mother would tuck her into bed (with you at her side, of course, as the world's best non-stuffed animal!), kissing her forehead and whispering an 'I love you'.

It seemed you had the ideal family life, until it all changed.

The morning started out as any other, with Hank and Janet readying themselves for work. You were sitting beside Hope's chair at the kitchen table as she ate cereal, desperately hoping for a dropped bite.

Despite their calm appearances, your keen canine senses detected stress amongst your owner's parents. Naturally, you weren't sure why, but the air around them remained tense, even as they spoke sweetly and nonchalantly to their much-loved daughter. All throughout the busy early hours, you remained by Hope's side, as she eventually got dressed and settled down in bed with a book. You leapt upon the bed beside her, curling up into a fluffy ball. She alternated between stroking your silky back and turning pages on her novel.

"Hope!", Hank's voice beckoned from the downstairs foyer, "We're getting ready to leave."

Hearing her father's call, she immediately set down her book and hopped off the bed, racing downstairs. You, alarmed by her sudden movements as you were about to drift into a nap, hurriedly got up and trotted after. You sat down nearby as Hope hugged each of her parents.

"Your father and I will be back soon, sweetie.", Janet gave her daughter a kiss, "You and Y/D/N be good." The woman gave you a pat on the head as she said your name.

"We will be. Bye, mommy! Bye, daddy!", Hope waved at her parents' retreating backs as she closed the door, then turned to you, grinning, "We've got the whole house to ourselves, puppy!"

As she went racing back up the stairs, you playfully chased after your master, with the two of you spending the rest of the day playing and cuddling. Being often left to her own devices, Hope knew a lot for her age, able to prepare her own meals (and, fortunately, dropping you scraps). It wasn't unusual for her parents' missions to take an entire day, but she was always excited to greet them as they returned from their important work. As the sky grew dark, Hope stayed awake in bed, clearly anticipating their return despite her heavy eyelids and frequent yawns belying her exhaustion. You were snuggled up at her side, drifting in and out of sleep as she spoke to you.

The hours drew on and on, seemingly like an eternity, and you knew your master was nervous. You licked her face, hoping to cheer her, but to no avail. It wasn't until the familiar unlocking and turning of the front door, causing your ears to prick up alertly, that she relaxed, racing downstairs. You, naturally, were not far behind.
There in front of the closed door stood Hank, still clad in his Ant-Man suit, looking solemn. Janet was nowhere in sight, which was certainly unusual. The man simply sighed, staring at his daughter in silence.

"Where's mommy?", Hope inquired, descending the final steps to her father.

"Mommy won't be coming back for a while.", Hank at last bent down, allowing himself to sob uncontrollably, "She... she was a hero."

With those words, even with so little explanation, Hope, ever wise beyond her years, seemed to understand. She burst into tears, clinging to her father. You had never witnessed such a spectacle of sadness before, and the best you could do was merge your furry form between them, garnering a few weak pets in between heavy sobs, your pelt eventually growing slightly damp with all the tears. From this moment on, nothing seemed the same.

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