Old Man, New Tricks

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Following Janet's tragic demise, your family was never quite the same. Hope and Hank grew apart, slowly but surely. As your master grew older, becoming a young woman rather than an immature child, she spoke less and less to her father, growing solemn and cold in all her dealings with him and in her outlook of the world.

Despite her newfound hardened nature, she retained a soft spot for you. You often became her sole confidant, allowing her to hug you as she cried late at night in her bed, keenly pricked ears hearing her every impassioned word. Sometimes, she swore you'd understood more than the average dog. Were you any more capable of mind and speech, you'd be spouting advice like a furry psychiatrist.

Nonetheless, there came a time when the pair of you had to part. Hope had decided to move out to further her studies. It wouldn't be too large a change, as it had seemed to you the two humans in your life had been living apart for years now, but unfortunately, the university dorm she was slated to stay at didn't allow pets.

With all of her bags packed away in the van, Hope wasn't ready to leave without bidding you goodbye. Fortunately, Hank had insisted upon driving her to school, to which she reluctantly agreed. This meant you were due to come along for the ride, eagerly hopping into the backseat and sprawling out comfortably. It was a trip of middling length, not terribly far, yet distant enough where the silence became thick and uncomfortable.

At long last, the car lurched to a stop, to which you clambered over to the front, tail wagging as you moved to lick Hope's face. Despite her ever-present stoic expression, you knew she was sad.

"I'll come back to visit you, okay, puppy? This isn't goodbye.", she assured, caressing your soft ears.

"They'll be in good hands." Hank attempted to console his daughter.

"I wrote out a care guide on a notepad. It's on the counter." Hope avoided eye contact with her father, still petting you.

"I run an entire laboratory. I'm sure I can handle taking care of a mutt for a few weeks."

Staying silent, Hope exited the van, taking her bags from the trunk. Hank, too, had stepped out, to say a proper goodbye. You watched from the passenger seat of the car, whining as you continually detected the melancholy air.

Your master waved at you one last time, giving her father an awkward hug before stepping away in silence. The older man entered the car as soon as she was out of sight, striding away to the start of her future.

"Looks like it's just you and me now, Y/D/N.", Hank murmured to you, to which you looked up at him, your brown eyes meeting with his now-glassy, damp ones. Emitting a soft whimper, you clambered over to his lap, licking away his salty tears, to which he couldn't help but crack a small grin.

"Maybe this won't be so bad, after all, pooch."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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