Requested by moonlightsbae478
Harry had gone to Gemma's house but it was the time you started getting a bit worried about him. You dialled Harry for the 5th time now but still no answers. You then thought of dialling Gemma and thankfully she answered.
"Hello" she greeted softly through the phone. "Hi Gem, sorry to disturb you at the middle of the night but do you know where is Harry? I tried calling him but he didn't picked up my phone" you explained it to her.
"Yeah, like an hour ago Harry left my place with his friends for smoking I believe" she said sadly. "Oh.." escaped your from your lips. It hasn't been a secret that you, Gemma and Anne hated this smoking habit of Harry. All the three of you tried your best to get him rid of it but he was only drowning deeper into it day by day.
"Y/n, today you got to do something. This is enough!" Gemma exclaimed. "I'll try Gem, I promise, don't worry" you said hanging up.
'I promised to Gemma that I'll make everything better..but how will I?' you thought to yourself trying to come up with an idea when you suddenly heard the front door of your house opening and being closed right after.
"Baby, I'm home!" Harry cheered making his presence in the living room but you didn't replied back. "Hey babe? How are you?" He asked coming closer to you as he tried to kiss you but you pushed him back. "No way!" You said.
"What happened??" He asked you confusingly. "Sorry, I can't kiss you" you told him honestly. "Why?" He questioned. "Harry, you can't kiss or touch me till you stop smoking, I'm sorry but I can't take it with that smoke" you muttered heading straight towards your bedroom and lying down on the bed. After a while you felt your eyes started getting heavier as you falled asleep.
*The next morning*
You turned towards Harry's side of the bed as you noticed that he's not there. 'Where is Harry?" You thought getting up from your bed to look for him.
"Harry" you called him stepping in your living room to find him sitting on the couch with almost thirty to forty packets of cigarettes surrounding him. "Harry, what is all this?" You asked him starting to get a bit angry.
"Babe, I'm going to destroy them..I promise I will never smoke in my life ever again if that costs me not being able to kiss you" he explained melting your heart.
"Really Harry? Promise?" You said offering him a promise hand as he got up before placing his hand on top of yours. "I promise..I love you" he said. "I love you too" you said but all of a sudden you cheeks started getting red as you got a bit shy which Harry seemed to like.
"So can I kiss my baby girl now?" He asked teasing you even more. "Yeah" you said as he gently kissed you and you kissed him back. Your lips worked in the sync of eachother, full of nothing but love and care.
You both pulled back as Harry wrapped his arms around you, pulling you even closer as he gently started sucking your neck, making you slightly moan in pleasure. "You like that babe?" He muttered against your neck. "Jump" he ordered as you followed him, leading you to your bedroom for the rest of the pleasurable morning events ;)
Hey guys!
Please do Comment and tell me what you feel abt the chapter..was it good, okay or it sucked...tell me abt it ❤️Please follow me if you haven't yet.. I just need some more to cross 200 (p.s I follow back)
Love each and every one of you!
*Requests are always open*

Harry Styles Imagines | One Shots | H.S
FanfictionHey there! "The title explains it all", so here I am. writing a book filled with some amazing H.S one shots & imagines. Some are sad, Some are cute, Some happy & some are smuty too ;) Hope u like the book TPWK ❤️ Appreciation for the book- • 1st pr...