6. He has a panic attack

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Requested by woahxcherry

You were currently in your living room watching a movie you were never really interested in. You actually wanted to give Harry his space. He has been stressed lately about his new album and wanted to have some time alone. And to be honest you truly understand it.

Harry was in his bedroom doing something you probably don't know. Maybe he's just lying on his bed.

You started to getting a bit involved in the movie when you heard Harry shouting your name from your bedroom you two shared. By the shakiness in his voice you knew something was wrong so you just ran towards the room as fast as you can. There you saw the worst sight. Harry was lying on the floor, his hands in pressed against his chest as he shouted "Y/N help.. I'm drowning!".

Harry's pov:
I couldn't take the pain anymore. It wasn't like this was the first time I had this panic attack but I never really told y/n about it cause I don't want to look weak in front of her. But this time it was the worst. I couldn't help myself but shout the name of the love of my life to help me  get out of it. To comfort me if that's even possible. Y/N sat next too me placing my head in her lap as she called my name again and again. Even if I know she is next to me it felt like she is a million miles away.


"babe just breath okay, your gonna make it..I'm here for you..your stronger than this my cupcake..it's okay just breath..it's going too be over in a second" you said some comforting words to make him comfortable. You rubbed his back too in order to help him get through this. It doesn't matter wheather Harry told you about this earlier or not you always knew he has these panic attacks whenever he's stressed back from the 1d days.

After some time Harry's finally calmed down and he sat up looking in your eyes. He looked tired and he was sweaty too.
"I'm sorry Y/n..I should have told you I have these panic attacks back from the 1d days, I just didn't wanted to look weaker in front of you. I'm sorry for bothering....." he was about to say something but you just cut him off kissing him. This wasn't the normal kiss but it was rather slow and filled with love and care. Just to tell him that you care, care because you love him and having panic attacks is normal its nothing related to being stronger or weaker.

"It's okay green eyed fellow, I have and will always love you no matter what" you said smiling. "And I love you kitten" he said kissing you again.

"Now let's just watch movies and cuddle!" You said excitedly. "Yay!" He cheered and everything got back to normal.


Hey guys!
Please tell me how was that and please dm me if you have some requests too. I would love to do them.

Love each and every one of you❤️


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