Chapter 4

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Here I am sitting on my brother's spinning chair in his office. His secratary told me that he went for a meeting. It's okay. He has everything that could entertain me in his room. Video games, Netflix , a shooting area, etc..... Now I am watching a horror movie in the netflix. I was immersed in the movie so, I didn't know my brother entered.

John POV.

I entered the room to see my sister watching a horror movie. She didn't even notice me. I hate it when people don't pay attention to me. Especially my loved ones. I slowly walk behind the chair. I recognise the film. It's not that scary. I waited for the right time to scare her.
There is this scene where the ghost is talking to the main character. That ghost's sound really creepy through the creeping  silence of the room. I slowly lean towards her ear and whispered...

" I will come after you ".

She screamed and all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain my nose as I fell backwards. Damn!
I looked up to only receive an fuming Sames standing infront me. I gulped and gave her a sly smile. Everyone pray for my soul.

" What the heck was that dude!? Are you crazy? "
She asked me angrily. I can see the devilish aura radiating from her. God, I feel sorry for her future husband.

" Exactly! You were watching the movie and didn't even notice me. You know I hate it when people don't give me attention." I say as I sit on chair.
She give a 'are you on nuts' look. I give her 'I know you love me still' look. Suddenly I felt something wet running down my nose. I touched and realised it was blood. I look at her in pure shock.

" My nose is freaking bleeding!?"

" You deserved it"

" What?! Look at my face now. How can I face the whole company with this face?"

" You talk like you care about those horny plastics."

" But I still love the attention!" I pout.
She sigh. She grabs the first aid kit from a nearby shelf and sits on my lap, starting to clean the blood that trickled down my probably fractured nose. She places two cotton balls into my nose. She looks at my face and snickers.
I pout and turn my head to a side.

"What's the problem?" She softly asks.

"N-nothing" I stutter. Fuck why did I stutter.

"Really?" She looks at me suspiciously. I gulp in nervousness. Just tell her. Maybe she will help me. But what if she doesn't like it?
She raise an eyebrow.

"U-umm, y-you know...." I stutter as I look for words in my haystack brain.
She just hummed. Okay tell her. She gonna know anyway.

"IlikethisgirlIsavedfromthenightweranfromthrhellanddecidedtofindmoreaboutherandplannedtogomeethertodaybutbecauseofyoumyfacelookslikeigotbitbyabee!" I say in one breath. Whew.

"Say slowly. I don't understand anything oppa." She demands. Fuck why is her voice so scary. Is she really my chocopie?. But Im proud.

"Right. You remember the girl from the night we met papa(James)?" she nodded.

"I liked her from the second I laid my eyes on her. I kind of stalked her and gathered information about her...? Wait, before you slap me, listen. She's 21years old, works in a library, single and an orphan. So I was planning to go to the library today, but look what you did to my face." I tell her everything. There is no way I'm going to hide anything from my sis.
I look at her in sheer anxiety. She seems like thinking something. Why is she so calm?

"I know"

"Huh?" I asked her.

"I know you love that girl. Ive seen the look you gave her. Youve never looked at a girl like that earlier and you've never looked a girl like that after you've met her. So just like you, I started 'stalking' her as well. Then I found out that you were also following her around like a lost puppy. I was waiting for you to tell me. Took you long enough, hm?"
She smirks as I stare at her like she was an alien that came from space.  How the hell did she find that? Geez, she knows me very well better than myself. She wasn't kidding when she said she knows me.
I let out sigh.
She lean her head on my chest.

Saviyona's pov

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

"For what, baby girl?" He started caressing my hair.

" I checked your personal life and ruined your day. I was so scared. I thought someone was trying to attack me. That's why I hit you. I'm sorry".
He let out a sigh.

"What's the real problem?" He ask me.
Shit. I don't wanna tell him. I can handle myself the gang things.

"Nothing oppa. It's just some Problems. I swear I can handle it."

"Mmm. Be careful."
Suddenly my phone rangs. I check the ID ; Drake.

"Hello drake. What's up?"

"Savi come to orphanage now. We have to check something"

"I'm on my way".
I cutt the call.

"What's babygirl?"
Oppa asked me.

"Umm. Idk, drake call me to orphanage. I'm gonna check whats wrong." I stand up from his lap. I give him a peck on his cheek.

"Bye. And sorry to ruin your date." I laughed as I dashed out of the room.

"YAH!" I swear I heard my brother yelling.

"So what's the problem?" I asked as we are walking around the orphanage. Jacob and Clara also here.

"Savi, I think Taylor is trying to find a way to take the kids back." Jacob said.

" Huh? how?" There is no way he come here. And I'm sure that he will never even come near of this building.

"  Couple came here yesterday and said that they want 8 children to adopt. Of course our manager agreed. But they said that they want the recently arrived children. Luckily Mr. Toshiro felt something suspicious about this demand and informed Edward about this. Later when we took them into custody and question about this demand and found that they were sent by Taylor." Drake said as he suddenly stopped walking,deep into thoughts .

"What?" I asked as we also stopped walking.

"Why would he want the same children he kidnapped!?"


Sorry short chapter.

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