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All right, everyone. It's finally here. I'm gonna write a whole big author's note, so please just take the time to read it before you read the epilogue. 

I'm gonna start off by saying thank you. You all have been amazing. I started this series years ago because I couldn't find any pack mom stories that were good enough. I never would have thought this series would blow up this much. I'm not crazy popular, but the amount I have is good enough for me. I don't think any of you have been here since the beginning, and I honestly really hope that nobody has. My writing has changed SO much over the years. I mean, when I started Mama Hale, I was just slapping ideas down and guiding off of other fanfics. I've met some really amazing people through this series, and I thank everyone for their constant love and support.

Alas, every good thing must come to an end. I've had this ending planned out for ages, now. It wasn't the original ending, I don't honestly even know what the original ending was. But I've had this end in mind since like Season 2. Before any of you go freaking out and asking questions, there will be a space AT THE END of this chapter for you to comment questions and I will answer them as fast as I can. Not everything has to be sad and deadly, though.

Since this series is ending, I will have more time to focus on my other books. And not just other fanfictions. I'll probably never abandon fanfiction, nor do I plan on leaving Wattpad. I mean, I've gotten SO MANY offers to go to another writing platform throughout writing this, and I declined them all because I can't leave you guys. That being said, my currently published fanfictions will be evaluated and I will either put them on hold or get them onto a schedule. I will always have at least 1 Teen Wolf fanfic up at all times. 

BUT, as this series ends, I will have 3 Teen Wolf fanfictions published and in the works.

Stereo Hearts- A Stiles Stilinski Fanfiction

Tell Your Heart to Beat Again- An Isaac Lahey Fanfiction

Six Stilinski (Soon to be renamed)- A bxb Derek Hale Fanfiction

The first 2 are currently published, and updates will be coming soon. Once again, thank you all so much for everything and don't be strangers. You can always dm me, comment on my stories, post on my message board, tag me in other stories, whatever you want. And I'm always still here to proofread or edit things for you. In fact, I'm currently editing this wonderful girl's teen wolf story and I am going to start a Teen Wolf roleplay with someone else. I'll keep you guys updated on those. 

Without further adieu, here is the Epilogue, the final ending to The Mother of Beacon Hills, and therefore, the Mama Hale series. Enjoy.

P.S., play the song above on repeat if you want some hardcore crying.


(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

I sit up with a loud gasp, looking around the room in confusion.

"Lyrie?" Derek asks, coming out of the bathroom while toweling his hair dry. "You alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah." I sigh, pushing myself to my feet and walking over to him.

"You don't look alright." He frowns, dropping the towel on the dresser and wrapping his arms around me. "What happened? Bad dream?"

I nod my head, breathing in his comforting scent.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"It was so weird." I mutter. "It was like I was reliving our lives, but I wasn't at the same time."

The Mother of Beacon HillsWhere stories live. Discover now