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hey guys! so i'm going to be doing something a little out of my comfort zone. 

i am going to be writing an original book with all of my original characters and plot. Instead of fanfictions, this will be my own piece of work (even thought the fanfics are still my own piece of work.) 

The book is going to be about four girls who discover they have powers (Fire, Water, Earth, and Air) and they have to find each other to stop the end of the world, and during their journey, they drag along their boyfriends. 

the girls names will be 

1. Sam (Sorry, Love that name for some odd reason lol)-Fire

2. Veronica-Water

3. Lisa-Air

4.  Fauna-Earth

and their boyfriends

1. TobyXSam 

2.  FelixXVeronica

3. ShawnXLisa

4. LukeXFauna 

Let me know if you would actually read this book, because if no one reads it, then whats the point in putting it up. 

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