Registering for School...

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I sat in the car with Richie and Veronica. I had a mocha frappe from mcdonalds in my hand as I drank from it and stared up at the scary, brick building otherwise known as my school. it was registration day, the day I despised the most.

Because it meant summer was almost over...

We stood in line for 45 minutes just waiting for the school to open the damn door. when they finally did open the door, everyone scrambled in to get their schedules.

"This is like Black Friday shopping, except it's school!" Richie said as we tried to scramble through the crowd.

"Only you go Black Friday shopping richie." I mumbled as I drank my coffee again not really caring what I'm doing here.

"Those old ladies are scary during black friday..." Veronica Mutters as I slump my shoulders and start to complain.

"Why couldn't you're girlfriend bring us here instead!" I looked up at Richie with a frown and annoyed look on my face.

"Because Andrea and I are not married yet, which means that she is not your legal guardian yet. And a legal guardian needs to sign you up for school is what the voice on the phone says" Richie said with an annoyed look.

Richie has had a girlfriend for a year and a half now. she's sweet and caring and has a wonderful personality! she's funny and nice and if Richie doesn't marry her soon I will make him do it!

"Do you need a parking pass?" Richie asked as Veronica and I stared at him like he was an idiot.

"Well we have our own vehicles to drive sooooo....yeah." I said as I stuck the straw of my coffee In my mouth.

"Okay, you don't have any allergies do you?" he asked us, Veronica shook her head and I started at him with my mouth hanging wide open in disbelief.

"You don't know anything about me!" I yelled "I'm allergic to cinnamon!"

He nodded and wrote it down.

"I'm just kidding I'm allergic to peanuts." I said a serious face. he marked out cinnamon and wrote peanuts.

"I'm just kidding I'm allergic to wheat." I said, he growled and marked out peanuts and wrote wheat.

"I'm just kidding I'm allergic to soy." he wrote that down and marked out wheat.

"I'm just kidding-" he took out his phone and called Andrea.


"What's Alaska allergic to?"

"Shouldn't you know that already?"

"Yeah but I dont."

"She's allergic to dairy products."

"Thank you..."

"I'm just kidding, she's not allergic to anything."

"Is that true?" he asked

"Yes it's true butt munch, I'm going back to sleep I'll see you when you get here."

He hung up and looked at me.

"You and Andrea are exactly the same..." he said

We finished up registering and we walked down the hallway to leave.

I tripped over my own two feet and dropped my coffee on the floor.

"Alaska you coming?" Veronica said as Richie turned around and they watched me.

"But my Coffee...i wasn't finished with it yet..." I said as I shrugged and turned right into the ladies room.

"What are you doing?!" Richie said

"Someone has to clean up that coffee! Plus that coffee made me have to pee REALLY BAD!"

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