Illegal feelings - prologue (gruvia au fanfic coming soon!)

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An ear-piercing scream erupted from Juvia's lips as a bullet penetrated her. Her legs immediately collapsed beneath her, causing her body to fail completely.

The words of her captain were lost on blind ears as she struggled to breathe. Wheezing, her elbows crashed onto the coarse ground and with her last ounce of energy, she positioned herself behind a car. Smudges of red trailed behind her, as she stared in horror at the mess. The bullet had grazed her thigh, but it left a dark red abyss that entered her leg. Her eyes darted away immediately, too afraid to look. The world around her blurred with her obscured vision. Her voice hitched as she pushed through the pain, aware of the chaos that enclosed her. Struggling to comprehend the figure kneeling beside her, she gritted her teeth, her chest pounded at an accelerating speed as she desperately tried to breathe. Juvia was losing her conscious. Suddenly, her limp body was hoisted into the air by a strong grasp. Her eyes fluttered shut as she was casted into a frenzy of anxiety as all rationality escaped from her body.


Gray leaped across the road, barely dodging the bullet that raced past his cheek. Despite his bandaged arms, he lifted Juvia's lifeless body and darted away out of sight. The noxious sound of rifles and bullets left Gray struggling to focus. He felt his muscles burn as he raced across the road, pumping his legs as hard as he could. Juvia's body remained lifeless, too tired to move, yet Gray carried her swiftly, dodging other lifeless bodies. Her eyes peeled apart as her bright blue orbs took in the mess behind them. Her eyes wavered to Gray as she tiredly wrapped her arms around his neck. His jaw was tightly clenched together and a trail of warm blood oozed from his shoulder. Cuts and bruises scattered across his handsome face, marking his face like a world map. Her hand unconsciously raised to his cheek where a deeper cut caught her faltering attention.

"Juvia," he panted. His eyes flickered to her for a brief second, sending her heart racing faster than it should. "I'll get us home soon." His lips etched into a small smirk as he swiftly slid behind a building and away from the mess Juvia had gotten herself into.

As the second lieutenant of the Fiore Police Force, she should not be letting their greatest enemy carry her off so easily like that – but when Gray came into the scene as her husband, Juvia decided that she would let it go just this one time. 

    "As the Captain of the Fiore Police Force, we are honoured to present you this honour."

Juvia lowered her head to accept the glistening gold badge. Its shine reflected her blue eyes as she stared longingly into its captivating glow.

"Second Lieutenant Juvia Lockser, you are to commit yourself to the community, the force and every command issued."

Juvia bowed her head lower and had to restrain her excitement as Captain Fernandes handed her the uniform. His eyes scanned her slowly, nodding in approvement as she trained her eyes upon the rest of the police force. He gave her a solemn smile, and with a pat on the back he issued her first duty.

"I know you won't disappoint me."

The day came to Juvia like a whir. Ever since she became a police officer, all she did was climb to higher ranks. She had to become someone she knew her mother would be proud of. Every morning, Officer Lockser was the first to arrive yet she was also the last to leave at the end of the day. She was always near the top five of finishing the training course, despite her fear of heights. The very same hands that gripped onto her new badge tightly were the same ones that trembled when she had to climb onto higher ground. It took five years for her to become who she was today. But she knew the price of this achievement and that the higher she stands, the harder she'll fall.

However, when Gray Fullbuster came into the equation, he somehow managed to complicate her life more so than before.

It wasn't simply an officer climbing the ranks – with her life at stake every day; it became impossible to control her wavering heart and dissipating breath when his irresistible smirk sent all of her senses out of the window. And that was when Juvia knew she was doomed for life.

    "G-Gray–" Juvia shuddered from his hold as she squirmed beneath his body. His lips trailed across her neck, edging closer to her collarbone. When his intense eyes studied her carefully, Juvia reminded herself that their relationship was a mistake. But when she felt his fingertips linger at her legs and his breath tickle her ear, she instinctively wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer for more. She gasped when his hands skilfully explored her body, teasing her pale skin as they danced across her waist. When she clawed onto his back in pleasure, his dominion over her would increase. Their entwined bodies would mould into one another perfectly. It wasn't a crime to make love to your husband, but when the Second Lieutenant of the Fiore Police Force was betrothed to the most wanted criminal, she knew a line had to be drawn.

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