I Am Slowly Going Crazy 1,2,3,4,5,6, Switch

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A/N: I'm sorry this is such a long one, I may have gotten a tad carried away lol. Grey (last name) is walking through the desert with Jaha and Murphy. When they reach the bunker, they decide to have a kind of relationship.

⚠️ WARNINGS ⚠️: swearing, smut, oral, violence, mild self harm.


"You've gotta be fucking me," I say, hands holding me up in my sitting position as I stare at the place where Harris was standing.

"Not yet at least," Murphy says.

I'm about to snap at him that this isn't the time for his dirty jokes but when I look at him, his eyes are wide as he stares at the ground where Lily was. I shake off my sympathy for him, eyes going to Jaha as he examines the ground. His hands move out slowly as he keeps his eyes wide. I swear, he's gone fucking insane out here with us. I never should've come but I was getting antsy at camp with all those Grounders. They put me off, you can understand why. They killed at least thirty of our people.

"Nobody move," Jaha says slowly, nodding in agreement with himself.

"Damn it. I wanted to step on the ground with enough force to explode us all," I say sarcastically, shaking my head in the process.

"Leave the jokes to me, sweetheart," Murphy says, narrowing his eyes at me.

I start to stand as I point a finger at him. "Don't call me that-"

"Don't move, Grey," Jaha says, holding his hands out in an attempt to keep me where I am. "We don't know how many mines there will be."

"Well, I don't think not moving is a very sustainable plan, do you?" I ask, eyebrows raising at him.

His eyes wander from mine as he gets a knowing look on his face. "This is just another test of our faith. We've come this far and we won't stop now."

"I'm not going to volunteer myself for testing the ground-" Murphy starts.

I stop him, holding up my hand. "Yes, Murphy. We know you're not the selfless type. Besides, Jaha seems to be offering himself up."

He already has his staff and he's pushing it lightly through the sand in front of him. I roll my eyes silently, turning to find Murphy doing the same. I'm not above admitting that we are very similar. I'm aware that I am annoying and he is definitely the same in that department. Sometimes, I want to punch him so hard. Then I remember when I found him with that plastic bag over Connor's face and think differently.

After maybe an hour of this, we've created a small line behind him. Just Murphy, Craig, and I. Craig continues to whisper things to himself about how close we are. I can see the outline of bright lights over the next dune. I can assure you that my hopes are definitely not up. I never had any expectations for this little field trip. If anything, I thought I would die. So far, still alive. I'm not sure whether to be happy about that or not.

"How's it going!?" Murphy shouts at Jaha, shifting in front of me.

"This is a process, John!" Jaha says, still inching his way slowly.

"I can imagine!" he replies, sighing.

"It's right there!" Craig shouts one more time before running out of our line and past Jaha.

I can't help my breath from catching in my throat as I latch onto whatever I can. Jaha tackles Craig and they fall to the sand together, both of them breathing hard. My breaths eventually slow down as I realize they didn't blow up. They do pick up a little when I turn my head to find Murphy already looking down at me. Right now, his pale skin is covered in sand and dirt and mud. I can assume I look the same. His hair is greasy and dirty as well. But his eyes are the same. Blue and deep and wandering my frame like they so loved to do when we were in camp.

John Murphy (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now