Imprisoned Proposition

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A/N: Clarke's sister is trapped in a cell in Mount Weather with Murphy. He suggests something she didn't expect from him but agrees nonetheless. ❤️❤️❤️

⚠️ WARNINGS ⚠️: swearing, dom, NSFW, choking, smut.


"You know what, Murphy?" I say, sitting up and meeting his eyes across the room. "We're not gonna feel sorry for ourselves."

"We're trapped under a mountain with people who want nothing more than to drill into our bones while we're conscious, I think we have license to feel sorry for ourselves," he says, back leaning against the wall and knees up. His elbows are resting easily on his knees as his head tilts back so he's staring at the ceiling.

"Even I'll admit, we're in a bit of a pickle right   now-"

"A pickle?" he repeats, eyebrows raising.

"Fine. We're trapped in a blinding white room that people probably made for coke addicts while we wait for doctors to come drill into us," I say, standing and staring at the plain walls. "Happy?"

"Marginally," he responds, grinning at me.

I sigh, staring at the strange painting, thin bed, and security camera hanging in the corner. "I just wish there was some way to get back at them, you know? To make them pay for what they're doing to us. I mean, Jasper and Monty might not even know. I'm hoping they figured it out by now but they might just be eating chocolate cake in peace."

"I could go for chocolate cake right about now," Murphy says, frowning again as he avoids my eyes.

"Well, you're not getting that so what do you want to use as a substitute?" I wonder, watching his expression closely.

His frown quickly turns to a smirk as his eyes meet mine again. "I can think of something."

"I finally found something to make you feel better!?" I shout, grinning triumphantly.

"I found it, crapsack," he says, standing and moving closer to me.

I smile. "I don't care. You're smiling and I will be taking the victory here."

He chuckles a bit. "Well, it'll only make me feel better if you agree."

"Ooh. I'm intrigued," I say, grinning and pulling myself up to sit on the end of the bed.

He stands in front of me, eyes glued to my legs. "I'd like to get your permission to fuck you senseless on this hospital bed."

My mouth opens slightly in shock as my eyes widen. I try to collect myself but I'm too confused to get myself together. He have sex with me? I mean, I guess I should've seen this coming. It was only a matter of time before he said something. We've been trapped in this room for two days and nothing like that has even come up. I considered myself lucky since he wasn't trying anything but I guess my luck has run out.

"Are you a virgin?" he asks suddenly, head tilting to the side.

I frown. "Why in holy hell would I tell you that?"

He grins. "So I know if I have to go slow at first or if I can just give you what you've wanted since we landed and were off the Ark which is my dick pounding you as hard and fast as I'm physically able."

John Murphy (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now