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It's been about a week since the last time we fucked.. They said they're not with me for sex, they're with me for who I am and for the connection we share.

Honestly, their words, and the way they put it made me cry- not sad tears, happy tears - the moment we shared then was spectacular.

We've been cuddling constantly, and occasionally grinding against each other wanting more than just snuggles.

But oh well, Today I'm going to go on a strike The rules are simple. "I think we should go on a strike." "For what baby?" "Sex," I answer Elijah with an innocent grin on my lips. Enzo firstly laughs a bit too loud.

Does he think I'm joking? "I'm not joking daddy." I tease leaning up with my breasts about to fall out of my top.

I cup Enzo's baggage biting my bottom lip. "Oh, baby... You think we'll break?" Elijah asks, grinning. "I don't think you'll last an hour." "Oh, aren't you in for a treat." Enzo chuckles, pulling down his pants as I got up.

He began to stroke himself, through his boxers. I stare at him as he does so, he releases a tight groan with a smile. I slowly straddle him, licking my lips smirking. "Same goes for you, babe."

I give a small peck on his neck, before standing up. I giggle and strut out of their bedroom smiling to myself. With ease, this is easy. I clutch onto the doorknob, sliding the door open walking into the bathroom.

I start the shower, making sure it was steaming hot. God, I needed this shower alone so bad.


I plop down on the couch grinning to myself as I see Elijah pumping his length quickly. They can't even pass 30 minutes without touching themselves.

His eyes are screwed shut, with his head leaned back. His neck rests in the crook of the couch. "Ugh.." He opens his eyes while groaning, locking onto mine.

"Look what the cat dragged in," His smirk appears as his cock began to spasm. I bite my bottom lip as seductively as possible. "It looks like you need help with that baby."

"I need your tight pussy wrapping around my cock to help it, bust baby." "That's a bit sad. Because I believe I said whoever breaks first loses." "Baby. Life isn't a game."

"You're right. It's a series of novels." "Sort of." Enzo butts in sitting next to me. I glance in his direction, noticing something new about him- holy shit he's wearing shorts.

"What?" He asks, furrowing his brows in confusion. "In my entire life that I've known you, you never wore shorts." "Yeah, well today is just a weird day I guess."

Just because I'm trying to avoid sex for a while is causing a weird day? Let's see how long I can last without cock... Probably a while since I've survived my entire life without it.

three weeks later

"K fuck you. I give up. I can't." I hop into Enzo's arms as they both walked through the doorway. "Finally," He groans shuffling upstairs quickly.

"My dick was about to fall off, no joke." Elijah chuckles as we lay on the bed. "Hurry up. You're wearing too many clothes." I strip off Elijah's shirt as Enzo started his famous assault on my neck.

"Ahh!" I whimper, smacking Enzo's shoulder with his teeth gently nibbling on my skin. His teeth were sharp, but luckily he didn't vampire-style bite me.

"Smack me again, and see what happens." "I was just playing." "He doesn't care if you're playing sweet cheeks." Elijah chuckles, ripping my sweat pants off my legs. "You're still wearing too many clothes!" I groan at Enzo, trying to pry his top off.

I glide my hand underneath his shirt, feeling his perfectly sculpted abs covered in ink, his sexy tattoos. Their skin always felt so soft, but they, on the other hand, weren't so soft.

They were everything about rough itself. Man, I loved it though. I finally get him to cooperate, he tears his shirt off for me since the material was too strong for my tiny fingers to break.

I trail my fingers up to his broad shoulder and slowly bring it down his arm, massaging his muscles along the journey of my skilled hand. While I'm appreciating his muscles, he reaches over to the drawer and grabs a condom.

I whimpered looking up at him and grabbing the condom. "I want to feel you." "You'll feel me either way princess." He chuckles. "It feels better raw," I whisper whining giving him my best puppy dog eyes, I wasn't even trying honestly.

He gives me a stern look, that was the look when he always tells me "no". "You're not on birth control sweetheart." "Then just pull out." He nods, finally agreeing with me.

I shimmy down his pants along with his boxers. "Look how hard I am. I feel like steel because of your stubborn ass," Enzo growls, throwing the condom packet back onto the nightstand.

"Well, daddy. Sorry for wanting to prove that I can last in this "relationship" without sex." I flash my innocent smile, as my shirt suddenly went above my head, landing on the floor.

Oh fuck, I really should not be getting an attitude with them right now... "What was that Angelica?" Elijah asks, unbuckling his pants quickly but aggressively. "N-Nothing. S-Sorry." I stutter, shutting my legs.

But they were quickly preyed back open by both, Elijah and Enzo. I look down to see myself completely naked. When the hell did they take off my panties!?

Jesus, these men for sure know how to blind a woman! Enzo thrusts his hips, without even bothering to look down. Gasping, I threw my head back moaning his name, Enzo, in pleasure.

I think I forgot what sex felt like over the past few weeks. "Enzo.." I croak out as he speeds his hips up, ramming inside me. Fuck was this Cobra Kai!! No mercy for me for sure!

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