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It's been about a week since the last time we saw her, Amelia wanted to hang out so we had no choice but to go with her for a while. Of course all she wanted was sex, she's a sex craved maniac who wants nothing but dick.

Me and Elijah bought Angelica white roses, and now we're knocking on her door. I hear yelling, it sounds like a male.. it sounds like her ex fiancé- it is.

They're fighting, aren't they? Elijah swings the door open and sits the flowers on the table, I storm in and see her push him away from her. "I never fucking cheated on you Lily- Angelica!!"

"What the living fuck did you just call me?? Who the hell is Lily?! Is she the one you were fucking the other night!?" She pushes him again away from her.

"Okay, pip squeak get the fuck out before we make you regret coming here." I growl stepping in front of Angelica, putting my arm out so he couldn't get past me to her.

Elijah takes a hold on her arm and pulls her away from behind me. "Stay out of this man!" "No, you stay away from what is ours." I growl, raising my fist but I stop when I hear the door slam.

"You better fucking thank her for stopping me from beating your sorry ass." I walk out the door and jog after her. She stops walking and turns around, I hold my arms out for her as she jumps right in them.

"Where were you?" She asks. "Getting you flowers." I chuckle. "For an entire week?" "Well... not exactly. Amelia wanted to see us, we're sorry baby." She lets out a cute deep loud sigh into my shoulder.

I chuckle. "Okay.." "We're sorry beautiful." "It's okay." She whispers back frowning still. "Now you want to tell me why Jackson is here?" "He still has the keys to the house, I'm sorry." She whispers. "It's okay babygirl. Did he put his hands on you?"

"No.. No you get here just in time." She shivers, hanging onto me tighter. "I have a question.." "Shoot.." she sighs. "Why were you going to marry him when you're a virgin?" She stiffens in my arms, she holds onto me tighter. "m

"Because he said if I didn't say yes he'd hurt my family." "Baby why didn't you say anything??" "He said he'd hurt them if I said anything to anyone." "You know we can kill him in a snap." "Enzo... please stop, I don't want to listen to this shit right now!" She groans.

I nod, agreeing. "Elijah should have him out of the house by now, you wanna cuddle?" I ask, smiling. She giggles, nodding. I don't know how she can forgive us so easily but she does. She's not going to be ready for sex for a long time, and I understand.

I'm not going to pressure her into it in any way. I'll wait until the day comes where she gives in, begging me and Elijah to take her virginity, to fuck her sweet tiny tight little pink pussy, to destroy her entire body, rearrange her damn guts..

I'll be happy to even eat her out again, she tastes so good. I chuckle running back into the now Jackson Free house laying her on the couch, snuggling into her. "You smell good.." "Thank you gorgeous." I chuckle playing with her hair, she smiles brightly and straddles me.

I see she's gotten more confident in herself, huh? "My little Vixen." I smirk sinisterly like Elijah does. I cup her cheek kissing her lips. "Mm." A faint moan escapes her lips right away.

I slide my tongue between her lips causing her to pull away instantly. "Sorry.. I never kissed with tongue..." She whispers shyly. "I'll teach you." I chuckle again, cupping her neck and sliding my tongue into her mouth again. I pull away.

"Just put your tongue right next to mine, and suck." She presses her lips back to mine, I nod, and hum in approval as I deepened the kiss even more. "Mmmmm..." Another moan comes out of her body, her gorgeous sexy hour glass body.

Her Saviors 18+Where stories live. Discover now