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Yesterday I almost gave into them, I almost gave into two completely greek sex gods that wanted me just as much as I needed them.

I want to feel them, I need to feel them as soon as possible. I'm trying to tell myself it won't hurt as bad as I think it will, It'll feel good after a bit right?

"What're you thinking about?" Enzo asks me to play with my blonde strands of hair that curled on their own by my ears. "Nothing."

"You're thinking about us taking you, aren't you." He asks, it didn't sound like a question at all. I nod, hesitating at first. "Angel, It'll only hurt for a little bit. I promise it'll feel good, it'll feel so good that you'll be screaming our names, Angelica. Trust us, you'll want to lose your virginity sooner or later."

"I know.." I whisper, biting my bottom lip. "I'm just nervous." "You're not nervous. You're scared." Elijah confirms. I sigh. They knew me too well, and I hate it sometimes. "About that date, I was supposed to go on-"

"No!" "Why not?" I giggle testing them. Suddenly I regret what I asked, as I'm slammed on my back by Elijah. My breath hitches as his hand grabs my throat. "I said no. We said no. If you keep testing us I won't hesitate for a damn second to bend your cute ass over my lap and give you a good little spanking."

I lick my lips shivering at just the thought of that. "I don't think you'd enjoy being punished.." Enzo chuckles getting closer to me as Elijah's grip tightened on my neck. "After all, punishments aren't meant to be enjoyed, kitten." Elijah finishes his sentence off.

I close my legs tightly trying to hide the arousal of how wet they were making my trenches. I swallow the large lump down my throat looking away from his daring eyes.

His skin presses against mine, causing a burning sensation to flood my entire body. He seems to feel it too since his hands are all over my bare skin now. I feel like I show too much skin around them, even though they love it I'm pretty self-conscious.

"How many times do I have to say this Elijah.." I whisper, as his lips brush against mine kissing me ever so softly. "What baby girl.." He whispers back grazing our noses together as our eyes opened staring directly into each other's voids.

"You have Amelia, I'm not going to be ready anytime soon. Just go fuck her. I don't want to be another one of your numbers. I don't want to be a quick fuck. I don't want to ruin our friendship over this! It's not like you want me, and want to wait for me to be ready. This isn't a fucking romance novel Elijah! This is real life!"

"Only it is.." "Only what is! This is reality! Did you hit your head??" "Amelia means nothing to us!!" "You said she was your girlfriend, Elijah! You said you think she's the one, you even said you'd marry her if you ever had the chance." My voice cracks, as my heart breaks.

His hand lets go of my throat realizing I was not in the mood for them to be all dominant with me. "That was before we realized you had feelings too." "I don't just have feelings El-" I cut myself off before I said too much, I loved them in a way best friends should never love each other.

But do they love me the same way?? "Continue." "No." "Okay then." He sighs getting off me, I let out a sigh of relief as he shuts the bedroom door behind him along with Enzo. I turn on my side with my back towards the door. Soon it slams back open, My eyes widen as I get flipped onto my stomach being brought up onto my knees.

I go to say something but Enzo was covering my mouth with his huge tattooed hand. I whine as he grabs my hands roughly tying them up with a rope. I already know what's about to happen, I know not to talk.

I didn't want to piss them off, even more, I know they want me I just. I'm stubborn. Elijah lays me down over his lap. I close my eyes as he shimmy's off my pants. His hand smacks down on my butt cheek causing me to cry out in pain, with his red handprint forming slowly but surely.

His hand cups where he spanked me, I flinch on his lap as he kneads it with his hand. "Elijah.." I whisper. "If you make another sound I'll keep going." I nod keeping my screams to myself, quiet. "Oh god." My breath hitches as Enzo gets on his knees in front of me.

His hands slide off his sweats, forcing length into my mouth. I look up at him, with eyes that are pleading not to be too rough.


I sit down on the couch giggling as I retreated from the kitchen. Jackson was tickling me, he's the man of my dreams... But I can't believe he's forcing me to marry him. But hey, the man can't take a simple no as an answer so oh well!

He comes into the living room, picking me up slamming me against the wall knocking pictures down shattering them on the floor. "Jackson!" I squeal hitting his chest. "You're mine tonight, all mine!" "No, I'm not. What do you mean?" "My sweet innocent virgin.." He whispers I'm now very uncomfortable. "No. I don't want t-"

"You will if you love me." Tears run down my cheeks. I sob shaking my head no. I didn't want to lose my virginity to him, truth be told I want to lose my body to Elijah and Enzo.

I was in love with them after all. I had to lose it to become a real woman. I want to be a woman. I want them to make me a woman, not Jackson. I know it'll hurt and I know Enzo and Elijah will treat me as such an angel who deserves everything.

They'd be gentle, they'd act like I was glass and any second I could break.


I look up at Enzo biting my bottom lip remembering everything I thought of doing with them when I was younger. He chuckles as I let go of my lip and slide my mouth around his shaft sucking.

"There you go." He releases a deep satisfied groan that made my knees even weaker for him. I shiver from exhaustion already. If I'm already tired, then how long could I even last during sex!? Not long obviously.

I scrunch my eyebrows together feeling another sharp pain explode through my left cheek. I close my eyes with the back of Enzo's hand holding me down balls deep. I gag and look up at him, my eyes fill with tears as I technically choke.

He pulls me off back up to the tip, I swirl my tongue around the top and going back down on my own. "I don't think she needs a real punishment right now, she hasn't been that bad yet Enzo." Elijah chuckles untying my hands as I kept sucking Enzo's length.

"You're getting off easy this time, little girl. Next time you won't be so lucky." Elijah says with Enzo pulls out of my mouth. Their hands roam my body as they turn me over on my back in Eli's lap.

My eyes gaze up into his as he dips his head down to mine, pressing our lips together faintly with his fingers quickly getting the ropes off my wrists that were stunning from the rope marks left on my soft delicate skin.

His lips come off of mine, my eyes open after a couple of minutes of snuggling into his chest. His hands wrap around my waist with our eyes locked on each other.

"You're beautiful, Angelica." My cheeks warm up. I'm blushing, aren't I? "Thank you.." I whisper leaning up in his arms and kissing his cheek. Elijah's lips curl towards his ears, with his dimples sticking out with a gracing smile taking over his firm lips that tasted so good.

"You're out of my league." They laugh at me, why were they laughing? They know it's true. "If anything you're out of our league, have you looked at yourself, baby girl?"

Every time they call me babygirl I swear I get so turned on I want to scream for them to fuck me sometimes.

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