Chapter 1

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" "Now princess, we will discuss about the location of your hidden rebel base!" I said motioning to the Stormtrooper who immediately let the torture droid get closer to the young woman, it's long needle gleaming menacingly. "NOOO" Leia Organa, the traitor who had helped the Rebels in their pointless fight against the Empire, shouted "I'll never..." but the droid hit her and she screamed in pain" . I finally woke up trembling with fear and my head turned around to watch my beloved Angel who laid next to me unaware of what was happening to me in that moment. Since I came back from the Chancellor's rescue, I had been tormented by nightmares about Padmè dying in childbirth and me torturing the young princess who was very similar to my wife or, her mother. Sometimes I dream about her torture with the droid and other times I dream about the destruction of her planet, Aldeeran. "What does this horrible nightmare mean?" I distressfully asked myself Why does it torment me?". Moving slowly, I stood up and went out feeling the need of being alone. Once in the balcony I set in the chair I used to admire Coruscant landscape. I wanted to admire the sky but my mind was in turmoil "How is it possible that Palpatine knows the story of Darth Plagueis? I reflected "Is it possible he is a Sith Lord? It isn't possible especially because the Council hasn't sensed the Dark Side in him" I finally decided relaxing a little "Are you sure about this?" a voice inside me asked "If he isn't a Sith Lord how can you explain his knowledge about a Sith legend? Search your feelings and you will know the truth...". The trouble was I wasn't sure I wanted to hear that since I didn't like the implications if my suspicion about Palpatine was true. I embraced Palpatine as a trusted mentor and accepted his patronage since I was a child "How can I trust my judgment abilities if the man who gave me advices when my Master and the Council criticized me is a Sith Lord?". I couldn't accept this truth but I couldn't ignore this fact. Suddenly I was overwhelmed by a vision.. "I found myself in a chamber and in front of me, there was an oval machine in the middle of the chamber. The machine was opened and inside of it I saw a figure who was taller than me who was dressed all in black. On in chest there was a panel and his head was protected by a mask and an helmet. The sound of his breathing was the only sound in the chamber; with horror, I realized the figure inside the machine wasn't a man but a cyborg since he wasn't wearing clothes as I thought but an armor which seemed to help him breath. "Who are you?" I finally asked him, curiosity taking the place of the fear I felt at the beginning "I'm not sure you will believe me" the figure answered in a robotic voice "Try me" I replied folding my arms "I'm the dark part of your soul, the negative part of your identity. My name is... Darth Vader". I simply stared the figure refusing to believe what I just heard "You are lying" I finally said "You and I cannot be the same person, it's not possible". "From a certain point of view, you are right" Vader conceded "But physically, I am you and you are me". I grow fearful by this point "I'm going mad" I thought "There is no other explanation" "You aren't mad" Vader answered "The Force made me appear you in this vision to stop you before you ruin everything". "I don't believe you" I retorted "My daughter knows I am her true father: deep inside her she knows the truth about her father's true identity" This was too much for me "Leave my daughter out of this...madness" I told the figure angrily "You have no right on her!". As soon I stopped my verbal attack, I was invaded by a wave of sadness coming from the Sith in front of me "You are right" he finally said "She is more your daughter than she will ever be mine. I lost all rights on her when I attacked her mother on Mustafar". While Vader was speaking I saw a picture coming from Vader's mind: I saw my beloved Padmé begging me to run away with her but I didn't want to hear anything about that. I heard myself asking her to rule the Galaxy with me but she couldn't accept this and she declared that she didn't recognize me anymore and Obi Wan had been right about me. When I saw my Master emerging from behind I accused my wife with a demoniac voice that she had betrayed me and immediately started to choke her with the power of the Dark Side. My heart was filled with horror and disgust and I had to sit in a chair near the machine. "Is this" I finally asked trembling "What will happen if I continue to accept Palpatine's friendship?" "Yes" he simply said "This is the price I paid for having placed my trust in a man I considered to be a friend. He even lied to me about my wife death telling me I killed her when in reality, she gave birth to my daughter" I was horrified by this disclosure "Palpatine told you this???" I asked refusing to believe to this garbage "You know he lied to you, don't you?" "HE LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING" Vader screamed in anger while he stood up and started pacing in the room, hands behind his back "HE USED ME SINCE I WAS A CHILD, HE NEVER CARED ABOUT ME; ALL HE WANTED WAS A SLAVE AND I WAS THE PERFECT ONE, TOO NAÏVE TO KNOW ANY BETTER!". I was startled by Vader's angry outburst and I didn't know what to say anymore "Stop" I finally said refusing to believe him "I don't know what to believe anymore" "Ahaha" Vader bitterly laughed "I was like you, I didn't believe Palpatine was a monster and for this reason, I turned into a slave again. However" Vader continued stopping his pacing to watch me pointing me with his finger for emphasis "You can avoid this future, you have to act, to stop this disaster before it occurs. You have to save yourself!". "I TOLD YOU TO STOP!" I yelled anguish overwhelming me and I immediately severed my mental connection with this impostor "YOU ARE AN IDIOT, ANAKIN SKYWALKER" Vader angrily insulted me "FOOL, DON'T YOU REALIZE THAT JOINING PALPATINE IS THE BEST WAY TO LET PADME' DIE IN CHILDBIRTH, OVERWHELMED BY HER HUSBAND'S DESTRUCTION?" ". The vision finally vanished and I found myself again in the balcony "It was only a dream, it was only a dream" I repeated myself again and again but something inside me told me I was wrong...

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