Chapter 5

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"I've always knew that you and I didn't get along but I didn't expect you to betray me in this way" Master Windu's comment on his death accompanied me while I drove towards 500 Republica, the flat I shared with my wife "How could I put my trust in a man like Palpatine?" I reproached myself bitterly "How can I pretend forgiveness from Obi Wan and the Council when I am the first one to condemn myself for what I did?". Finally, I reached Padmè's flat and as soon as I left my speeder, C3PO rushed towards me "Master Ani" the protocol droid started "At last you have arrived; I didn't know what to do!". "What happened C3PO?" I asked him alarmed "Where is Padmè?" "She was brought by a medical theme in the medcenter" C3PO answered me "It seems she is..." C3PO didn't manage to finish the sentence because I rushed out of the flat again; I didn't need him to tell me why she had been brought there since I already knew the reason "Padmè will be alright" I repeated myself over and over as I raced to the Medcenter "The dream I had won't come true; I made Vader a promise and I'm going to keep it. I won't let Padmè die not know after all I've gone through". Reached the medcenter, I ran to the information desk "Do you know if a Padmè Amidala has been brought here?" I asked the nurse standing behind the desk who slowly nodded "Are you a family member?" she asked me. "Ehm..." I hesitated for a moment realizing I still wasn't ready to divulge the wedding with my Angel "I'm a very close friend" I final answered. The nurse stood up watching me closely "Aren't you Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker?" she asked a bit shocked. Hoping no one had heard her words, I nodded "Yes" I answered in a lower voice "As I told you before, I am a friend of Padmè Amidala; if you can tell me where she is, I won't disturb you anymore". The nurse hesitated for a moment since the hospital rules let her give permission only to the patients's family members; however it was a Jedi knight who was asking her permission to visit the senator and it was hard to say no. After learning my wife's whereabouts, I ran to the nearest turbolift praying desperately she was fine. Reached my destination, I entered in her room rushing to her bedside. Padmè was lying on a bed and a doctor a nurse where with her "Ani" Padmè exclaimed smiling when she saw me "It's nice to see you have recovered". Without saying a word, I knelt taking her hand in mine "My place has and always be with Angel" I told her smiling "You should know this by now". "You are doing well, miss Amidala" the doctor commented while she was examining my wife. "So when can we expect the baby to arrive?" I asked the doctor. " I'm afraid you have a few hours to go yet" she replied "it's hard to predict when they will come" she added. I was shocked when I heard the doctor talking at the plural "They?" I incredulously repeated "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Ani" Padmè said in a pained voice "I'm expecting two children not one, as we always thought". I stayed in silence for several seconds not knowing what to say "That's" I finally commented as both the doctor and nurse left us "That's wonderful; I hope they both are baby girls: I've always dreamt about having two daughters" Padmè laughed when he heard my comment "Well I hope one of them is a boy: girls can be more difficult to deal with especially if they both have your behaviour". "I can't win this one" I said rolling my eyes. We stayed in silence for two hours and as time passed, my tension increased; Padmè realized this and fighting against the pain, made me talk and laugh in order to let me release the anxiety I was feeling. Suddenly, I realized something I hadn't noticed before "Padmè, the dream" I said "I stopped the dream!". Padmè watched me perplexed "What are you talking about Ani?" she tiredly asked me. "In my dream" I explained her "you wore a white gown and now you are wearing a green one; and the place" I added looking around "Is different. I did it love, I changed the future; I saved you!". Padmè smiled and put an hand on my cheek "Do you know when you did it, darling?" she asked me "You did it when you killed Palpatine". "Yes, part of it" I conceded "But your future was still uncertain. But now, I know that your destiny changed too; I saved you Padmè!" I concluded feeling tears forming in my eyes. Padmè took my face in her hands looking me straight in the eyes "You saved me when you chose Light over Darkness" she told me "when you chose our family and the Jedi Order over Palpatine". "How do you know" I asked her astonished "What Darth Sidious was planning to do? I only told you I killed him". Padmè smiled again "After you collapsed, Master Windu immediately contacted me and while we were in the hospital, he told me the whole story, how Palpatine wanted to use the love you feel for me to turn you in his Apprentice. However, you realized the truth and you made the right choice and for this, my love, I will forever be proud of you". Padmè's words moved me and in that instant, I knew my future was with her and our children "Thanks Angel" I said kissing her "For having believed in me". Padmè wanted to reply but a contraction stopped her from doing so "Ani it hurts, it hurts!" she complained, her face twisted with pain; I hated seeing her in this condition but I wasn't a doctor and I didn't know what to do to alleviate her pain "I know, Angel" I tried to comfort her as well as I could. "How would you know?" she snapped at me "You are not the one going through this!". I was about to reply when the nurse arrived at last followed by a droid "How are we doing?" she asked her. Padmè watched her with an irrational look on her face "How do you think?" she retorted "When it will be over? I can't take take it anymore!". The nurse smiled, no doubt being used to these situations. "Let's check you out" she said as she moved to the end of the bed. I stood by watching the nurse as she performed her check on my wife hoping with all my heart my wife hadn't to suffer anymore. Suddenly, someone knocked the door; I opened it and found Dormè, Padmè's second servant "How is milady?" she asked me. "I think it's almost over" I replied letting her enter "Go to her, Dormè. I'm Padmè would want you at her side in this moment". Dormè didn't need me to repeat my invitation and she rushed to Padmè's bed while I went out closing the room's door behind me. Time passed and I started pacing in the corridor trying to calm myself; after what seemed to me an eternity, the door opened and the nurse looked at me "Mr Skywalker" she told me. I looked up and immediately rushed to her "How is she?" I simply asked "We are almost there this time" she informed me "Senator Amidala wanted you to be present since you are her closest friend". I entered in the room and after five minutes, my children were born; it seemed both our wishes had been respected since the first one was a boy as my wife wanted while the second one was a girl as I wished. The droid gave them both to Padmè who took the boy and gave me the baby girl I so wanted "They are beautiful, my love" I told her as I repeatedly kissed my daughter "Yes" Padmè agreed staring lovingly our son "How will we call them, Ani?". I reflected for several moments not having ideas in mind until I found a name which I knew was the perfect for my daughter. "Leia" I finally said as I cuddled my precious daughter feeling we would develop a strong connection, perhaps even more powerful than the one with my Angel. "Nice choice" Padmè commented kissing me on the cheek "As for the boy, I was thinking Luke because the moment he went out from me, I had the impression he was illuminated by a powerful light; our son is a benediction". "They both are a benediction, Angel" I corrected as I sit down on the bed placing an hand on her shoulder "This the happiest moment of my life; now that you made it, I'm complete!". Padmè reached my hand and lovingly squeezed it "Thank you Ani, I wouldn't have made it without you supporting me". I was about to reply when I heard a presence in my mind accompanied by a breath "Well done young one, I'm very proud of you; if in the future you will be tempted again by the Dark Side, remember how it destroyed me". "Don't worry" I mentally assured my Dark-self "I'll never forget the lesson you gave me Vader. Thank you for having saved me from slavery". As soon as Vader left my mind, I heard my comlink sounding. I took it and Obi Wan's image appeared "Anakin as soon you are free, come to the Temple. The Council has made his decision". I sighed hating to leave right now "I have to go to the Temple, Padmè" I said placing my daughter in my wife's arms "I hope I will be here soon". Padmè nodded squeezing my hand "They won't expel you Ani" she told me trying to sound optimistic "I know Master Yoda respects rules but he can't ignore what you did for both the Order and the Republic". "I hope so Love" I replied as I went out of the room. I felt my heart furiously beating as I raced to the Jedi Temple. Padmè had always been optimistic but I knew her prediction wouldn't have come true since I broke an important rule and I was ready to give my lightsaber to the Council hoping it would be used by a Padawan worthier than me of being a Jedi. I landed and found Obi Wan waiting for me. "How is Padmè?" he immediately asked me in a worried tone "She made it, Master" I assured him as we entered in the Temple "She gave birth without any problem". "That's wonderful" Obi Wan replied smiling "I hope Master Windu and the other Masters have made the right decision" he added as we proceeded to the Council's chamber. I stopped in my tracks watching my former Master in astonishment "What do you mean with the other Masters? Weren't you with them when they discussed? You also are a member of the Council". Obi Wan stopped as well looking me in the eyes "Yes, I am" he replied "But first of all I am your best friend and I couldn't agree with them about your expulsion, not after all the happy moments we shared since you were a child". Obi Wan's words made tears forming in my eyes and without saying anything I fiercely embraced him "Thank you for having always been at my side". Obi Wan smiled "My life would be meaningless without you as yours without Padmè; now let's finish this". Encouraged by the words of my beloved Master, the father I never had, I walked towards my destiny ready to accept it. As soon we arrived, the Council chamber's doors opened and Obi Wan was the first one to enter taking his seat while I stayed behind not knowing what to do "Don't be afraid, my friend" Obi Wan encouraged me "I'll always be with you, no matter what the Council's decision is". I finally walked in and I immediately felt the weight of the Master's enigmatic look on me. "Anakin Skywalker" Master Yoda started "Hide from you I will not the disappointment we all have for what you did. Something to say have you before I issue the sentence?". I nodded kneeling in the middle of the chamber. "Yes Master, I have something to tell you". I deeply breath as I unclipped my lightsaber putting it in front of me "This will probably be the last time I speak with all of you as a member of this order. I perfectly understand your disappointment for what I did; however, what hurts me must is not the fact I broke the Code but that I was about to betray you for a man who only gave me false promises. I would have never expected me embracing the Dark Side but the Darkness inside me is real and it was freed when I killed the Sand People who were responsible for my mother's death. I know any of you will never believe me again but I loved the members of this order and there are no words to express how I suffered when Vader showed me how I slaughtered the family who had raised me for 13 years in order to save my wife. I do not expect you to forgive me since I am the first one who can't forgive himself for what he was about to commit but I wanted you to know this: I truly hope you will tell my story to the Padawans in order to make them aware of the dangers of the Dark Side of the Force". Unable to speak anymore, I looked down as I let the shame I felt for my crimes fill me. "The hurt you feel, impossible to ignore it is, Anakin" Yoda finally said "But for your own sake, learn to forgive yourself you must. Impossible to condemn you for crimes you never committed . Remember the one who suffered most we are not but you" he concluded pointing me with his can. I looked up at him astonished thinking I wasn't hearing him properly. I tried to listen the Grand Master's words more carefully but my heart beat loudly and I couldn't hear him....

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