Chapter 2

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Two days later I was standing at the window of the Council's chamber looking at the darkening Coruscant sky. "I did the right thing" I told myself over and over "I told the Jedi about Palpatine". My mind was still shocked by what I had learned that morning, shocked by the fact I was right about the chancellor, about his true nature. How will I be able to trust my judgment in the future when I've always trusted a Sith Lord?". This question tormented my mind and heart; however, this wasn't important now: all that muttered now was the promise Palpatine made me in the morning "Only through me you can achieve a power greater than any Jedi. Learn to know the Dark Side of the Force, Anakin, and you will be able to save your wife form certain death". "If this was true then" I asked myself, "shouldn't I be doing everything I could to prevent Palpatine from being harmed? If he alone held the key to save Padme then his life must be protected at any cost, even if it means to disobeying the Jedi and taking the side of a Sith?". Brushing the tears away from my face, I hurried out of the Jedi Council Chamber. I was racing in the corridor when I stumbled and fell on the ground hitting the floor with my head; The impact made me lose consciousness and darkness claimed me..." "I see you are looking forward to spending the rest of your life as a slave" a familiar voce reached me" I cannot think of someone more foolish than you". I didn't recognize the voice but when I heard the breathing, I remembered "I know you aren't who you claim to be so just tell me who you truly are" I answered. The mysterious Sith stayed in silence and I took it as a confirmation of my statement "Don't ignore me, you bastard" I angrily said "You can at least have the courage to tell me who you are" "I already told you who I am, Skywalker" the Sith finally answered "And I won't leave your mind until you have accepted the truth". Hearing these words made me smile to myself; the stubbornness the Sith was showing could only come from a person: myself. "I was about to reach the Chancellor's office" I finally told the dark half of my soul "I know I need to be there". Vader's approval reached me in great waves "Yes" he said "You must go there; once you reach your destination, you will be faced with a decision, a decision that will make you question everything you believe in" "What decision?" I asked "What are you talking about Vader?" "You must choose a life" the Sith replied "I am the result of the bad choice; as I told you, you can avoid this future by making the right decision". I stayed in silence wondering about the meaning of Vader's words "After what I heard form you" I finally commented "I think Palpatine is the one I have to kill" "Yes" Vader immediately answered "No matter what, PALPATINE MUST DIE". I was shocked by my darkself statement "He is your Master and you are telling me to kill him?" I asked incredously "MASTER, HE HAS NEVER BEEN MY MASTER" Vader shouted in rage "HE USED ME SINCE I WAS A CHILD! KILL HIM BEFORE HE HAS A CHANCE TO DO SO, KILL HIM SO YOU DON'T GO THROUGH THE HELL I'VE LIVED ALL THESE YEARS". I nodded feeling the bitterness and pain clearly through my connection with Vader "I'll do everything I can to prevent that" I vowed to my Dark self "I'll do whatever it takes to save Padmè". "You won't save her, nothing can save her" Vader countered "The visions came true, don't you understand?". "No, I won't accept that; there has to be a way!". "You fool" Vader snapped "Don't you see? It was that belief that destroyed everything. "I cannot let her die" I insisted "What's the point of it all?". Vader stayed a moment in silence wondering about my words; I could sense he had realized I was right, it would be useless killing Palpatine if Padmè didn't survive "Do it for your daughter" he finally answered "She deserves at least one parent in her life" I closed my eyes as hot tears filled them. I couldn't accept that Padmè couldn't be saved, I simply couldn't. Vader was a cynic, a pessimist and a fatalist and in that moment, I realized why: he had nothing to hope for or in for many years. Was it any wonder he was so negative?. While I was thinking I turned around and in that moment I realized something "Where are we?" I asked Vader who now stood at my side "Don't you recognize the place?" he asked "This is the place where we lived until Palpatine convinced me to join him. It's...the Jedi Temple". My mind was overwhelmed by horror as I walked around the rubbles. "What happened here?" I finally asked half wishing Vader to remain silent since I wasn't sure I wanted to know. The Sith didn't reply but, he mentally showed me another memory: I saw myself leading a group of Clones in the Jedi Temple and once we arrived, we destroyed any Jedi we encountered in our deadly march. My eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing but I couldn't stop it and I saw myself killing all the younglings in the Temple. The scene changed and I saw Palpatine ordering a codified order to the Clone commanders. I witnessed the death of my brothers at the Clone's hand... "No please, stop!" I shouted but the images went on. This time I found myself duelling my best friend in the same volcanic word where I choked my beloved wife. The battle was a long one and I could sense despair from Obi Wan and rage from me. Finally Obi Wan jumped on a cliff and declared the end of the fight. I saw myself jumping towards him but when I was in air, Obi Wan hit me under my knees and left elbow severing both my legs and arm. I fell near the lava river and my body was consumed by flames; I closed my eyes wishing it was over but when I reopened them, I saw Vader killing other Jedi in the name of the Empire. "NOOOO!" I finally screamed falling on my knees when I saw Vader striking down an old version of Obi Wan. The images disappeared but they were impressed in my mind and I couldn't cancel them. "Is this what you have done?" I finally asked after several seconds. "Yes" Vader answered and through our connection, I could the disgust he was feeling for himself "It was the first thing he ordered me to do when I became his slave". I slowly stood up accepting the truth about Palpatine "I will save Padmè" I said looking Vader straight in the eyes "Together we will raise our daughter; The Jedi won't die, I won't go to Mustafar..." "And Darth Vader will never rise" My darkself completed "And Darth Vader will never rise" I agreed with him. We stared each other for a moment and then, Vader removed his helmet and mask. When the mask was removed, my mouth opened in a mixture of shock, and astonishment: Vader's face was white and full of scars; my hears which Padmè loved so much where disappeared and couldn't grow because a scar on top of his head prevented it. I got closer to him and I noticed the only thing of my previous aspect which had remained where my eyes, blue like an ocean. Vader overwhelmed by the bitterness and despair he had felt for a long time, started crying. My heart ached and in that moment a truth downed on me: DARTH VADER WASN'T A MONSTER BUT A MAN WHO IN ORDER TO SAVE THE ONE HE LOVED, HAD TURNED HIS BACK ON HE HAD BELIEVED AND AS A RESULT HE LOST EVERYTHING. The feeling of mercy filled my heart and without hesitation, I embraced him "Don't cry" I told him in a voice trembling with emotion "Everything will be alright, I'll see to that". Vader regained his composure and watched me, eyes filled with hope "Promise me" he said "That you won't make the same mistakes I did. Promise me, you will make the right choice". "I won't fail" I promised "I promise you I won't pledge myself to Palpatine and I'll never again let myself be tempted by the Dark Side". The vision disappeared and I found myself again in the corridor. Without a moment of hesitation, I rose again and raced towards my Interceptor, knowing I couldn't waste time "Prepare yourself, Sheev Palpatine" I thought as I raced towards the Senate building "I won't let you destroy my wife and the family who raised me for 13 years".

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