♯001| 𝐙𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢. • lanterns and embrace.

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❝Let it go Y/N. I only want you right now. ❞
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

In honour of peepaw's birthday I present to him this gift oneshot of him 5 days late :(« ⋅ʚ☕️ɞ⋅ »Birthdays; The anniversary of the day on which a person was born on, typically treated as an occasion for celebration and the giving of gifts

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In honour of peepaw's birthday I present to him this gift oneshot of him 5 days late :(
« ⋅ʚ☕️ɞ⋅ »
Birthdays; The anniversary of the day on which a person was born on, typically treated as an occasion for celebration and the giving of gifts. Today was that special day for the one and only poor, grandpa, God of Geo, Zhongli.
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The sound of fireworks boomed and crackled all around, illuminating an aurora of colours throughout Liyue's night sky. The loud bustling crowds could be heard throughout the restless night of Liyue to celebrate a special occasion. Rex Lapis's birthday. Lanterns filled the starry night sky, floating delicately into the air. Children's laughter filled the air as kites with intricate designs were let loose, each one symbolising a special aspect of Liyue.

This year especially was significantly different with their beloved god parting them. Though he still walked in secret in mortal form. It was safe to say everyone accepted and moved on from relying on the Adepti and Rex Lapis. A new age had dawned on Liyue, leaving the gods to rest at ease. Grandpa's finally retired.

"Ah Y/N! Here is your order. May Rex Lapis bless you this year." Linlang said handing me the petite golden velvet box carefully.
"Thank you, you too have a good year!" I eagerly nodded and held the box carefully in the palm of my hands as I waved goodbye to her. I hope he likes it. Now how do I get to that place again... BOOM. I quickly turned my attention to the sound. Fireworks starting to erupt into splatters of colours which painted the sky was followed by cheers from the people. Oh no, I'm going to be late. Quickly I dashed through the crowd as they watched in awe at the wonderful sight. I was holding onto the small velvet box tightly in one hand with his letter in my other. I hope he'll understand why I'm late once he sees this gift. I could feel my heart pound in my chest alongside the beat of the heavy drums that rung throughout Liyue as I scurried through the crowd.

« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ »
Dear Traveller,
If you have not departed from Liyue yet, I would like to give you a personal goodbye and thank you. I'm sure you're aware by now that on the 31st, a large festival is held in honour of the new year and Rex Lapis. I would love for you to come and join me at the balcony near the rite of descension at 11:30pm when the fireworks are about to begin. I hope you will consider meeting me there for one last time before heading off on your desired adventures. :)

I hope to see you there, Traveller.
« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ »

As I forced my way through the crowds I could finally catch ahold of my breath, I saw him. He was slightly crouched over the balcony railing admiring the view, his hair slightly glowed a dim golden colour as the light from the lantern reflected off him. I could feel a smile slowly creep onto my lips as I saw him. Don't be weird now, just go up to him. I brushed off my remaining nerves and held the petite velvet box in my hand and slowly made my way towards him. My heart started to pound quicker and quicker in anticipation at each step I took.

"So... Are you the Zhongli that wrote me this letter?" I asked awkwardly leaning forward catching his gaze. Wow talk about being smooth. He jumped back a bit and nearly let go of the lantern.
"Oh Y/N it's just you. You made it! Apologies you shocked me haha" A low chuckle escaped his lips as he looked back up me. I turned my gaze down to what he was holding, a bright golden lantern that glowed in his hands. On the front it had the yin and yang symbol with a little red flare on the top dangling along with a tag on the bottom where he wrote our names.
"You made it just in time. I was worried you wouldn't come." He said with a slightly sad tone wavering in his voice. "Oh and this um, it's a traditional Liyue lantern, I thought it would be a nice parting gift for you and I to uphold as a memory for your future journeys" Completely changing his demeanour as a light and his usual sincere tone returned, as he smiled softly back at me.

"Ah don't worry about it Zhongli, I wouldn't miss it for the world. It was my fault for underestimating how busy the line was at the antique shop." I froze. "Eep."  SHOOT I JUST SPOILED THE SURPRISE. I gripped the small velvet box slightly tighter and hid it behind my back which totally failed. Zhongli looked gave me a curious stare as he tilted his head.
"Did you... get me something?" He asked slightly peaking over my shoulders to see the mysterious gift, standing slightly on his tip toes.
"Ahh- Well there goes my surprise but Happy Birthday Zhongli" I said bowing down respectfully as I held out his present in front of him. I could feel my face turning a bright crimson red. He placed down the lantern and went to carefully pick up the box.

"Oh my. Thank you Y/N you truly didn't have to." He observed the golden box that had complex patterns engraved on the opening. Without any more anticipation he opened the box and felt the awe rush over him. Inside was (a single piece of mora) a beautifully gold encrusted Glaze Lily pin that had specs of Cor Lapis scattered within. It reflected beautifully off the lantern lit starry sky and into his eyes. He could feel himself slightly tear up as he picked it up still not breaking eye contact with the beauty.
"I hope you like it Zhongli, I hope you have the best years to come to you." I said smiling nervously still unsure of what to make of his reaction. Needless to say he was speechless.

Without anymore words exchanged he clipped the golden Glaze Lily pin into his hair and went straight in for an unexpected hug. He rested his head on my shoulder softly and held me in his warm embrace. Safe to say I did a good job picking out this gift. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me closer, it felt comforting and safer than ever. I could feel a small tear form on the brim of his eye as he pressed his lips onto my hair and mumbled a soft, "Thank you, Y/N."

I couldn't help but feel butterflies flutter around my stomach. Was this truly happening? Hugging the god of Geo who was literally crying on my head? I hugged him back tighter, holding onto his shirt. His body was warm and smelt like freshly picked sweet flowers. His demeanour instantly changed at that moment along with the atsmosphere. This was another side of him that I wish I could cherish more in the moment. I could feel the murmurs and pointing of people around us but I didn't care. It was only him and I. I could feel him stroking my hair as he held me close to him not wanting to let go.

Suddenly a slight panic started to rise through my body as I saw the lantern which he had placed down start to drift away.
"Zhongli- the lantern it's floating away-" I said quietly in his arms pushing him slightly back to try to grab it. He didn't budge and pulled me in tighter.

❝Let it go Y/N. I only want you right now.❞
"Lanterns and celebrations come and go, but special memories with you are precious to hold"

Liyue harbour echoed in cheering and shouts in celebration of the new year and birthday of their god. Whilst I held their god in my arms tightly that night.

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Ahh Happy extremely late birthday to Peepaw and happy new year everyone! Thank you for a 2k milestone, honestly I didn't expect to reach it that quickly. I appreciate all the support, votes, comments, and to those who enjoy and have added my book to their library! It honestly means a lot to me and thank you so much again. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see y'all on the next page. Honestly thank you so much again. <3

Credit to JYJKJ_ for helping me take the image at the top

Word count: 1466

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