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❀*̥˚ When lighting flashes in Inazuma, it casts a shadow. Her name meant shadow. A shadow that protected Inazuma from the darkness itself. An inky darkness that enveloped the land and came in the form of her friends. ❀*̥˚
A garden usually has a gardener. Someone who tended and cared for the flora that grew within. The once-beloved archon of Inazuma used to have a garden. The place wasn't filled with lavish trees, plants or fruits. Instead, she grew only five flowers that she treasured beyond anything in the world. It was unfortunate that she was unaware as the flowers started to wither. Dying, by her own hands.
Amongst the very few flowers she grew, there was one she favoured over the others. With delicate petals framing a core brimming with saccharine scents, it was one of the first she had ever grown.
It was unfortunate that the blossom bloomed in a lake with poison. A toxin which consisted of only the wickeds of the world, corrupting the roots of her beloved flower that stood so tall. The gardener didn't notice the poison that marked her flower's roots. Days became weeks, and as weeks slowly cycled into months, poison seeped into its roots.
The venom painted the once-pale petals black, corrupting the pureness it held. One by one the flower would lose hold of it's delicate petals, dropped one by one into the pool of poison where they would wither into nothing.
Alas, one day the gardener came, daring to step into the poison that had gripped her flower.
An odd sense of despair overcame her, as she realized the blossom she had treasured, and cared for, had succumbed to the evils of this world. She knew she'd have to kill it, eventually. There was no place in this world for tainted petals, and to extend ones suffering is to preform an evil. Yet, every time she stepped into the little plot of land that held the flowers she had nurtured, she couldn't bear to touch it, to end it's life. She hoped against hope that one day, the beauty she had come to adore would return.
The sky surged with vibrant arrays of dark purple. Rumblings of thunder bellowed all throughout the islands of Inazuma, as their inhabitants fled from the tragedy unfolding between an omnipresent god and her old friend. You. Lives of hundreds, cut short at your hands The waves of a never-ending storm crashed violently against the shore, flooding the cracked cobblestone streets of seaside villages. A bleeding orchestra of screams and cries echoed through the air, a sombre background to your affair.