♯001| 𝐗𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐪𝐢𝐮. • in another life. | req.

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❝We will meet again, my liege❞
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┍━━━━⋆⋅ 📖 ⋅⋆ ━━━━┑❝We will meet again, my liege❞┕━━━━ ⋆⋅ 📖 ⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

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Requested by: Hikari180320. Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like it!! Apologies for the long wait 😅. Enjoy! Some disclaimers: a tiny bit of gore.

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The ambush was unexpected. Xingqiu with his noble liege, Y/N fought side by side, for days on end with no rest. They were running with only two things in mind, each other and keeping the book safe. Treasure hoarders all around Teyvat had one goal too, getting that book.

"What was so special about the book?"you may ask, well you see it contained all the techniques, fighting styles, medical information, herbs, etc from the Guhua clan that had been passed down centuries. Nowhere was safe, running was the only option. It's a shame that humans have to stop running at some point.

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Y/N's POV:
I could see the precious book falling out of Xingqiu's sleeve, clattering onto the ground as he fought. This wasn't good. Quick Y/N think, THINK. I quickly ducked down as I felt another attack coming from behind, swiftly dodging it. I quickly grabbed the leg of the treasure hoarder throwing him towards another, creating a domino effect. Luckily Xingqiu managed to grab the book and slide it back into his sleeve.

This wasn't going to last long. Was Xingqiu alright? This wasn't an ordinary attack. It was an ambush and it was surely strategically planned by someone. But how did they know where we were? What do we do? It can't end here- it just can't. My mind was muddled with hundreds of thoughts, confused and stressed. I haven't had proper sleep or a meal in days, same with Xingqiu. I know he's in the same position as I am, stressed, tried, and fighting on a whatever fuel we had left.

I rapidly dodged attacks coming from all directions possible. They were cornering us, wearing down our stamina and mentality. I could feel the speed in my movements deteriorate slowly after each sword slash. Each movement felt like a weight added onto my body. My eyelids felt heavier than ever. No stop it, breathe you can do it. This can't be the end-

"Y/N NO-! Xingqiu abruptly shouted. What happened? Why did he say that? Wh- I froze. I felt a sharp stinging pain in my lower abdomen. No it can't be. I slowly looked down to my horror. Blood. I could feel my head spinning as I started losing touch with my consciousness. "X-Xingqiu-" was all I could manage out before buckling down to my defeat. No this can't be the end- I could feel the sword withdraw from my body harshly. I collapsed.

I could feel a strong rough grip at the back of my neck against my collar, lifting me up from my already devastating state. I hung my head low. The world felt like it was spinning out of control. My blood was dripping down onto the grey soon to be red gravel. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Was all I could think. I hopelessly tried to lift my head up to see him, one last time.

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