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“How was it?” Harry asks me as I lay in my bed. My real bed. 

“I don’t know,” I chew my lip as I hold the phone closer to my ear.

“I know you did fantastic, did you like the campus?” 

“Mom hated USC, but I think it’s because it’s so far away and it’s in South Central,” I smile. “She was a nervous wreck. And it didn’t help that I liked it.”

“She’s nervous her capable daughter won’t be able to handle herself?” he chuckles.

“No, unfortunately its heavy in drugs and turf wars.”

“Oh, well I’m not a fan either.” 

“Well, I still like it.”

“How was NYU?”

“I loved it.”

I truly did. The city. The bustle. The entire feel of it. Boston will always have my heart, but NYC caught my eye. 

“And the interview?”

Oh that…

“I blew it. They asked me so many skewed questions that I know I didn’t answer the way they wanted or even expected. I loved the city and the campus, but I’m not programed for their program.”

“How so?”

“It’s… too sterile?” I can’t think of any other way to explain it.

“Sammy said she didn’t like it,” he adds after a moment of silence.

I can’t help but grin as I look up at the old glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. They still talk everyday. Not just her and Harry, but the rest of the gang. They all absolutely adore her.

“Yeah, she didn’t like how busy it is. She likes the idea of the city, but it’s too intimidating so she doesn’t like it since she wouldn’t want to visit.”

“Well, of course, if she doesn’t like it. It’s unacceptable.”


“So what are you doing this evening?”

“Packing, since I leave early. I can’t believe I got a rare day flight.”

“What time do you get in?”

“Like an hour before your show,” I look up as I see movement out of the corner of my eye. 

My mom’s standing there looking at me as she leans against the doorframe.

“Okay,” he yawns loudly into the phone.

“Harry, go to sleep,” I look at the clock, “It’s already 2 there!”

“I can’t sleep, I miss your snoring.”

“I don’t snore!”

“Whatever you say, Silvara.”

“Well I’m going to pack, so goodnight, Harold.”

“Well aren’t you bossy.”

“That I am.”

“Good night, Silvara. Dream of me.”


“You really like him,” she doesn’t move from the doorway as she observes me with a small smile on her lips.

I can’t help but grin. “I do.”

She lifts up her phone. “So this instagram business…” 

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