Chapter 17: Birthday Girl

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A/N: Y'all ready?? This chapter is the biggest debby ryan face ever. Enjoy!

The uproar of the crowd gave you goosebumps, feeling the heat of the stage lights still on you, you grabbed the hands of your castmates and bowed for the last time. Closing night was always so magical. It was notoriously always your best performance, which was a bittersweet feeling having to walk off the stage and readjust your mind to what was next for yourself.

Everyone gathered in the green room just as you all did on opening night, champagne flutes making their way through the crowd. Charlie found you from across the room and proceeded your way, lifting his glass above the floating bodies as he snaked through the crowd, smiling ear to ear.

He paused when he saw Ben get to you first.

"Cheers," Ben said as he clinked his glass against yours.

You gave him a surprised look and repeated the gesture back as if it was more of a question. You and Ben hadn't spoken since your fight weeks ago but it seemed he was ready to let the past die given his cheery attitude.

"Listen, I just want you to know that I'm sorry for the way things ended for us. I was a dick to you. And everything you did in response to it was fully deserved. I shouldn't have made you feel bad about any of it." Ben said, finally admitting fault and saying his peace.

Although you had fallen out of love with Ben long ago, you still appreciated what appeared to be a genuine apology. If anything, you two could walk away from this as affable acquaintances.

"Thanks," you gave him a small grin, glancing over to Charlie who was still standing in the middle of the crowd engaging in small talk with all of his attention directed on you.

"So what's on the agenda tonight, birthday girl?" Ben asked, taking a sip of his champagne.

"Huh? Oh. Um, I'm not sure," you hadn't exactly nailed down birthday plans with anyone, in particular, just assuming you'd be with Charlie as you'd been doing for the past few nights, alternating between his place and your place. Since you both agreed on a new arrangement of being with each other, you had become almost inseparable. It was as if the walls you both built up had been knocked down. Not completely, but you could see through to the other side. You learned something new about each other every day that bonded you even more.

And the sex? Lord have mercy, the sex had gotten even steamier as if it was even possible. Letting yourselves become emotionally connected during sex made every orgasm feel like an explosion to another domain, where it was just the two of you and nothing else existed.

Tired of waiting, Charlie finally broke the small talk and approached you and Ben. He gave you a closed mouth smile before averting his eyes to Ben and nodding as he tilted his glass at him before taking a sip, dark eyes locked. From an outsider's perspective, it looked like a kind gesture, but the three of you knew that Charlie was being silently smug, telling him to 'fuck off' with his glare.

Ben smirked. "Right. Well, Happy Birthday and Happy New Years'," Ben finished his champagne and walked away, leaving you and Charlie staring at each other.

"What?" you asked, sheepishly.

"What did he have to say?" Charlie asked, glancing over his shoulder then back at you.

You chuckled. "He actually apologized for being a dick," you nudged Charlie playfully, "Something you would know nothing about," you teased.

Charlie reached for your waist and squeezed to casually tickle you, making you giggle even more. "Brat," he smirked. "I'll wipe that smile right off your face, birthday girl."

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