I can't live in a world where you are not

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It had been almost a month and things for Mac had only gotten worse, Jack had decided to stay in Los Angeles, but for that he needed to speak to a person from DC and explain his situation.

The problem was that now his nightmares were more recurrent, he could almost swear he would see Riley at home almost every night. Almost every night he cried, his spirits were down, his job performance was only going downhill, and there was so much more.

He sat up in bed as he looked over and over at the videos of Riley's digital diary, he had thought that diary was the one keeping him sane now.

That day the boys had dinner at his house, something they wanted to do often so Mac wouldn't feel alone.

Now Bozer was in the kitchen preparing food for that afternoon, Jack couldn't come for obvious reasons, Russ and Matty had said they were coming, and Desi said she wasn't sure yet.

Bozer glanced at a friend who was sitting on the couch reading a book, but from what he had seen, he had been on the same page for almost half an hour.

"Hey Mac, would you like to help me here in the kitchen?" said Bozer

Mac looked up from the book and saw Bozer with a very serious expression.

"Come on, friend, it will only be a few minutes, plus you've been reading the same page for half an hour" said Bozer with a chuckle.

Mac didn't tell him about his friend's comment earlier and simply put the book aside to help him in the kitchen.

Mac stood next to him and just looked at him waiting for him to say what to do, Bozer smiled at him and handed him a ladle

"Help me with the sauce" said Bozer

"Sure," said Mac

Bozer looked at Mac very carefully to see his body language, noticed that his movements were heavy, he let out a sigh or another, his eyes were sad and down, he was moving slowly, and it seemed that it was taking all his effort not to cry. .

"Mac, are you okay?" Bozer asked when he saw a tear fall down his cheek.

"Yes" Mac nodded but didn't turn to see him.

"don't lie to me" said Bozer in a serious tone

"I'm fine, okay, you know what, you'll finish this" Mac put the spoon aside and stormed off to his room.

Mac was tired of everyone asking him if he was, it was obvious that he wasn't feeling well and that he wasn't going to be in a good time.

He lay back on his bed and wanted to remember a happy moment with Riley, those memories were the only ones that made him smile now.

Mac woke up when a sudden weight fell on his body, raised his head a little to see black locks that he knew instantly were from Riley.

"Hi," Mac whispered.

"Hi, what sexy pajamas are you wearing" she laughed at him.

The pajamas she was wearing was made of brown bears, with a hood that had little bear ears, she had one just like it since it was a personal joke between the two of them.

"You wear the same pajamas" said Mac

"Yeah, but since I'm a woman, I look good," Riley said.

"Yeah sure," he said sarcastically.

"You're saying I don't look good" Riley put a hand on her chest pretending to be offended.

"Yeah that's what I said," Mac said turning around to see Riley.

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